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Accompanied by Law -- The Family Education Promotion Law entered the lecture hall of Fanchang Spring Valley
Time: February 22, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

What is family education? What responsibilities should parents take in family education? Under the background of the "double reduction" policy, how should parents carry out family education and promote family school education The most concerned questions of the family leaders can be found in the Family Education Promotion Law. Accompanied by law

In order to further publicize and implement the Family Education Promotion Law and help parents better understand, understand and use the law, Ye Lei, assistant procurator of the Procuratorate of Fanchang District, was invited to participate in the Chungu Lecture Hall co sponsored by the District Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau, the District Education Bureau and undertaken by the District Library on the morning of February 19, The Law on the Promotion of Family Education was interpreted to more than 100 primary and middle school students and parents in the form of special lectures. The Family Education Promotion Law entered the Fanchang Spring Valley Lecture Hall

In the lecture, Ye Lei used easy to understand language, concise PPT and vivid and specific examples to introduce the content and significance of the Family Education Promotion Law in detail from four modules: family responsibility, national support, social coordination and legal responsibility, guide parents to establish correct family education concepts, and strengthen communication with children, Undertake the main responsibility of implementing family education according to law, and build a civilized and harmonious family relationship. Escort the healthy growth of minors

This lecture not only strengthened the parents' awareness of "bringing children according to law", changed the concept that "family education" is "family affairs", but also created a strong atmosphere in which the whole society attaches importance to supporting family education and jointly guarding the healthy growth of minors.

In the next step, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District will further deepen the construction of the characteristic brand of "spring seedlings", continue to strengthen the linkage and cooperation with relevant departments, and gather the strong joint force of the whole society to "cultivate seedlings, help seedlings, moisten seedlings, protect seedlings, and warm seedlings", so as to jointly protect the healthy growth of minors.