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Smokeless youth is more beautiful: cutting off the tentacles of electronic cigarettes reaching teenagers - Fanchang procuratorial police launched the rule of law education course of "refusing electronic cigarettes"
Time: February 17, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In many public places where smoking is prohibited, the so-called "low toxic and harmless" electronic cigarette has become a new favorite of people, and the youth group has become a potential target group for the development of the electronic cigarette industry. In order to effectively protect teenagers from electronic cigarettes, guide them to stay away from electronic cigarettes. On the morning of February 10, at the invitation of Wanjiang Middle School in Fanchang District, Fan Jiexin, a police officer of the Third Procuratorate of the District Procuratorate, walked into the campus and gave a law education class for senior students with the theme of "cherishing life and keeping away from electronic cigarettes".

"Students, does anyone know what electronic cigarettes are?" "Does anyone know what the difference between electronic cigarettes and traditional cigarettes is?" "Do students think that electronic cigarettes do great harm?" A small survey before class caused students to discuss their understanding of electronic cigarettes.

In the rule of law class, the procuratorial police introduced the supervision system of electronic cigarettes in detail with real cases as a guide, exposed the real harm of electronic cigarettes in plain language, and reminded students to be especially vigilant against new drug crimes in the name of electronic cigarettes. Finally, we call on students to break the "curiosity" and "self show off" of electronic cigarettes and take the initiative to say "no" to electronic cigarettes. After class, students expressed that they would benefit a lot. They would consciously resist the temptation of electronic cigarettes in the future, and strive to be the communicators and practitioners of tobacco control with their actions to jointly create a smoke-free environment.

In the next step, Fanchang District Court will continue to give play to its functional advantages, closely cooperate with the procurators, deeply promote the "rule of law into the campus" propaganda activity, guide minors to know the law and abide by the law, and contribute procuratorial force to protect the healthy growth of minors and jointly build a safe campus.