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[School opening season] Love grows in home visits and law infiltrates in home visits - prosecutors' "special home visits" help juvenile delinquents "get lost"
Time: February 7, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
Educator Suhomlinski said:

In the most secret corner of every child's heart, there is a unique string. When you touch it, it will produce a unique sound. To make the child's heart resonate with us, you need to be consistent with the child's heart chord.

And home visits help us find out the heartstrings of each child and send strict control and love to home.

"During the Spring Festival, I have been helping my mother do housework at home. I have been reflecting on my wrong behavior. I am very grateful to the prosecutor's uncle and sister for coming to see me at home and giving me a chance to mend my ways."
"You are a responsible child. I believe in you, and please believe in yourself!"

Seeing Xiao Xuan (a pseudonym) puckering his mouth and slightly reddening his eyes, the prosecutor knew that he really knew he was wrong, and finally his heart slowly relaxed.

Strong supervision on a home visit

Xiaoxuan was impulsive to commit a crime because of his friend's loyalty. Although he had some bad behaviors before, he truthfully confessed his criminal facts after arriving at the case, had a good attitude of pleading guilty, and actively compensated the victim's losses and obtained understanding. After seeking the consent of the public security organ and the victim, and conducting a closed hearing at the same time, the procuratorial organ made a conditional non prosecution, giving Xiao Xuan a chance to reform.

However, how to make Xiao Xuan really "get lost" during the conditional non prosecution test period has always been a "heart disease" for prosecutors who have not been prosecuted. In order to better understand the impact of Xiaoxuan's family environment on him, so as to help him grow up healthily. The head of the first procuratorial department of Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate, the procurator of Wuwei City and his party changed into casual clothes and came to Xiaoxuan's home to carry out "one-on-one" home visits and help.

During the home visit, the procurator who did not investigate the situation of Xiao Xuan's thought, lifestyle, family relationship and mental state during this period in detail, and urged him to understand them correctly Legal provisions on conditional non prosecution and matters to be observed during the probation period.

A home visit is guarded by temperature

During the home visit, the prosecutor asked Xiaoxuan's mother about Xiaoxuan's performance during the visit, learned about her education methods, parent-child relationship, etc., carried out targeted family guided education for Xiaoxuan's mother, persuaded her to be overly critical of her children, and guided parents to learn to listen to their children, actively communicate with their children, and meet their life needs at the same time, More attention should be paid to children's mental health education. At the same time, he urged his mother to strictly discipline Xiaoxuan and plan his future study and life together with the child.

"Home is the place of our spirit. We are happy, angry, and sad." Everyone can't grow up without family. The supervision and care of parents are as warm as arms for every child. Only by learning to be quiet and listen to the voice of children can we truly guard with heart.

After being persuaded by the prosecutor, Xiaoxuan's mother kept nodding her head and said that she would change the way she communicated with her child in the future.

In depth communication during a home visit

"You have committed a crime for your friend this time, which shows that you are a loyal child. I hope you can make good friends and make progress together in the future.".

"I am very happy to see that you have prepared a diary to record your daily life carefully. You regard me as your sister and I am willing to listen to your voice at any time. There are many choices in life. You should believe that every effort you make now is for you to choose to do more meaningful things in the future. I hope you will persevere and make small progress every day..."

The prosecutor talked with Xiao Xuan heart to heart, asking for difficulties, talking about progress and changes. At the same time, he gave Xiao Xuan a "gift package for learning the rule of law", giving him the courage and motivation to start again, and helping him learn legal knowledge and grow healthily. Xiaoxuan also said that he would re plan his life with his family, try to reduce the burden on his family, and be a useful person to the society in the future.

A sincere heart to heart talk, a knowing smile, a red eye socket. This scene is a vivid portrayal of Wuwei's carrying out "family education type help and education" to promote the minors involved in the case to return to society.

Walk for thousands of miles without stopping, and walk on foot to reach the ambitious young men. Prosecutors for criminal offenses will use their heart, emotion, love and usage to illuminate the way of return of minors involved in crimes.

Care and protect minors
Unchecked person
Never stop doing good deeds