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[Opening season] Breeding and inspection "spring ploughing" to protect the growth of "seedlings"
Time: February 7, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In recent years, the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District, Wuhu City, has continued to deepen the procuratorial work for minors, performed its legal supervision duties, and actively explored the construction of the characteristic brand of "Spring Seedlings". Join hands with all parties to earnestly implement the principle of "most beneficial to minors", constantly update the concept, improve the mechanism, strengthen the team, safeguard the healthy growth of minors, promote the juvenile procuratorial work to achieve new results in the new era, and strive to create a new growth pole for juvenile protection.

Government inspection linkage, spring mud seedling raising

The Procuratorate of Fanchang District fully relies on the government procuratorate linkage working mechanism, and constantly tamps the foundation of minors' protection. In 2021, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District, on the basis of steadily implementing the integrated case handling mode of "arrest, prosecution, supervision and prevention" of minors' procuratorial work, has also successively countersigned work opinions and methods with civil affairs, women's federation, education and other departments, explored the establishment of a regular cooperation mechanism for the protection of vulnerable children in difficult circumstances, and clearly stipulated that information retrieval, clue feedback, joint assistance, family education guidance, psychological counseling Education security, rule of law publicity, privacy protection and other aspects should work together to provide policy support in education funding, minimum living allowance assistance, disability subsidies and other aspects, and strengthen the protection, assistance and care for minor victims and vulnerable children in difficult circumstances. Since 2021, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District has handed over 6 clues to the relevant departments for the protection of minors, and distributed 18 times of rule of law books, clothes, stationery, etc. to children in vulnerable situations. On the eve of the "June 1" in 2022, the District Committee of the Communist Youth League and the District Education Bureau will once again jointly carry out a special activity to care for vulnerable children in difficult circumstances, "warm children's hearts in books and love spring valleys".

Peer inspection and education, spring breeze helps seedlings

The People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District attaches great importance to the publicity and education of the rule of law, insists on moving the threshold of preventing juvenile delinquency from the judiciary to primary and secondary schools, and earnestly assumes the sacred mission of caring for the healthy growth of minors. In September 2022, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District and the Education Bureau of Fanchang District formulated the Cooperation Mechanism on Jointly Promoting Legal Education for Minors (Trial) to explore the establishment of a model base for juvenile legal education and a demonstration site for procuratorial school cooperation, and improve the long-term mechanism for procuratorial school cooperation and campus law popularization. At the same time, the post of prosecutor will be arranged to concurrently serve as the vice president of the rule of law, and a studio will be jointly established with the comrades in charge of the Education Bureau, the school's ideological and political teachers, psychological consultants, etc., to establish a "visual video database of the rule of law for young people", and effectively strengthen the guidance of the rule of law education activities. A studio mailbox is set up to collect students' needs and opinions, and according to the feedback content of "accurate popularization of law", regular activities of sending law into the classroom or face-to-face communication with students are carried out. Deeply participate in the work of helping and educating the students who violate the discipline of the school, formulate the measures of helping and educating, and implement the responsibility of helping and educating. In addition, coordinate relevant departments to rectify the security environment around the school, assist relevant departments to investigate and deal with cases involving teachers and students, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors from infringement.

Precise help, spring rain moistens seedlings

The Procuratorate of Fanchang District, focusing on the problem of vulnerable children in difficult situations, created a new model of "no inspection"+"volunteer", and resolutely did a good job in the "second half" of procuratorial work. In May 2021, after taking the lead in setting up the "Sister in Love" volunteer service project, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District comprehensively investigated and sorted out the situation of vulnerable children in difficult circumstances, sorted out 29 children in special difficulties in Fanchang District and filed them one by one, focused on the needs of families of children in difficult circumstances, timely carried out judicial assistance, and helped children in difficult circumstances to complete their studies. For minors who need psychological intervention, arrange professional "sister of love" volunteers with psychological consultation qualification to provide psychological counseling. Since 2021, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District has provided a total of 96000 yuan of judicial aid to minors involved in cases of distress, and effectively helped them return to normal life.

Build defense lines and protect seedlings in spring

The Procuratorate of Fanchang District insists on cracking down on crimes against minors' legitimate rights and interests with a "zero tolerance" attitude, and cooperates with relevant functional departments to organize a safety protection network for minors, so as to effectively protect minors from "evil". Since 2021, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District has handled 14 criminal cases against minors, 22 people in total. In response to the problems found in the handling of cases, it issued 6 procuratorial recommendations to relevant units, and led four special rectification activities, including illegal reception of minors in the hotel industry, tobacco sales around the school, and building a "firewall" for campus security in the beginning of school season The Public Security Department and other departments countersigned the Notice on Implementing the System of Access Inquiry of Teachers and Staff for Sexual Offences and Criminal Information and the Opinions on Establishing a Compulsory Reporting System for Infringement of Minors (Trial), extending the reach to promote the optimization of comprehensive governance. At the same time, 28 "supervision and guardianship orders" were issued to the guardians and 17 family education and guidance were carried out for the guardians who had problems such as lax discipline and lack of guardianship, which led to minors committing crimes or being infringed upon.

Education saves, spring warms seedlings

The Procuratorate of Fanchang District has always adhered to the policy of "education, probation and rescue" and the principle of "education first, punishment second" to prevent minor defendants from returning to the path of crime because of being "labeled". In March 2022, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District, together with the District Court, the Communist Youth League District Committee, the District Women's Federation, the Fanyang Town Government and the Fanchang District Chungu Blue Ribbon Volunteer Association, jointly set up the first "Love Home" family education guidance workstation in Fanchang District at the four primary schools in Chengguan, opening up the "last mile" of family protection for minors involved in the case. At the same time, in combination with the implementation of the "Sister in Love" project, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District arranged conditional non prosecutors to participate in volunteer service activities, so that they can actually feel the sense of gain in participating in social services through words and deeds, help find their own social value, and better return to normal life. Since 2022, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District has carried out a total of two conditional non prosecution of help and education people, and eight conditional non prosecution of minors to participate in voluntary activities.