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Deepen the "government inspection linkage" and carry out the "Gulf Inspection Policy" visit activity
Time: December 21, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to further study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era and the implementation opinions of the Provincial Party Committee, as well as Secretary Zheng Zhajie of the Provincial Party Committee twelve month eleven The requirements of "adhering to the problem orientation, conducting investigation and research, finding out the situation and making solid measures" emphasized at the special meeting of the provincial party committee in Japan, further promoting the deepening and implementation of the "government procuratorate linkage" work, the Wangui District Procuratorate has formulated the "deepening the" government procuratorate linkage "service to ensure high-quality development," the Gulf Procuratorate Policy "visit program, and actively listen to the towns Opinions and suggestions of relevant units directly under the district government on procuratorial organs' service to ensure high-quality economic and social development.

twelve month fifteen On October th, Xu Lei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Wanpeng District Procuratorate, led the leading group members and heads of relevant business departments to visit Wanpeng Branch of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, and Wanpeng Branch of the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning to carry out "Wanpeng Inspection and Policy" visits.

During the visit, Xu Lei studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implemented the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era and the implementation opinions of the Provincial Party Committee, introduced the new achievements of procuratorial work, and thanked the Wanyi Branch of the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau and the Wanyi Branch of the Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau for their support and cooperation in procuratorial work, Sincerely solicit opinions and suggestions on the legal supervision of procuratorial organs.

Bao Chengfu, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Wanpeng Branch of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, said that through face-to-face exchanges, the understanding of procuratorial work had been improved. He hoped that both sides would strengthen cooperation in ecological environment protection, handle cases of ecological environment violations, highlight the advantages of "government procuratorial linkage", optimize procuratorial advice, improve quality and efficiency, and promote the formation of a working pattern of joint management of "big environmental protection".

Qu Xiangyang, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Wanpeng Branch of the Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, said that he hoped that both sides would continue to strengthen communication and exchange, deepen the linkage mechanism of "government inspection linkage", realize information resource sharing, strengthen the protection of arable land and mineral resources, and form a joint force for governance.

After the visit, Wanpeng District Procuratorate sorted out the opinions and suggestions collected during the visit, and studied the implementation of the opinions and suggestions. In the next step, the Wanpeng District Procuratorate will continue to visit the Development Zone Management Committee (Economic and Information Bureau), the District Letters and Calls Bureau, the District Justice Bureau and other units directly under the District, continue to deepen and refine relevant measures, so as to achieve mutual promotion of administration according to law and fair justice in the whole district, and the same frequency resonance between administrative organs and judicial organs.