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"Create a sunny procuratorate, so that the people can feel fairness and justice in every judicial case" - The People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Sanshan Economic Development Zone held the first hearing appointment ceremony
Time: September 2, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"I really feel honored today. As the first procuratorial hearer appointed by the Procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone, it is not only an honor, but also a responsibility. I will live up to this trust, faithfully perform my duties in the hearing work in the future, take the facts as the basis, uphold an objective and fair position, earnestly perform the duties of a good auditor, and do my best to maintain social stability", This is the voice of Wang Daowei, the representative of the hearer, after receiving the letter of appointment from the Attorney General Zhang Sidong.


On the morning of August 29, the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Sanshan Economic Development Zone held the first appointment ceremony of procuratorial hearers. At the ceremony, Tang Wei, a member of the sub party group and Deputy Procurator General, first read out the Decision of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Sanshan Economic Development Zone on Employing Huang Qiuwen and Other Comrades as the First Hearing Staff, and reported the Notice of Hearing and the Construction of the Hearing Staff Database 2021-2022 of the People's Procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone.


After the announcement of the decision, Zhang Sidong, Secretary of the Sub Party Leadership Group and Procurator General Ten employed hearers issued employment letters and communicated with each other. The hearers expressed that they deeply felt the glorious mission and great responsibility. In the future procuratorial hearing work, they should strengthen their ideological understanding, improve their legal literacy, enter the role of hearing as soon as possible, closely focus on the duties and obligations of the hearers, participate in the hearing work with a high degree of enthusiasm, give full play to their professional expertise and ability, uphold impartiality, and earnestly perform the duties of hearing work.

Zhang Sidong, Secretary of the Sub Party Leadership Group and Procurator General, expressed his sincere thanks to all the hearers for their active participation, care and support in the procuratorial work. He pointed out that the procuratorial hearing is a way of handling cases adopted by the procuratorial organ to widely listen to the opinions of all parties, deepen the openness of procuratorial affairs, consciously accept supervision, and ensure that cases are handled correctly according to law. It is also an important carrier to enhance the openness and transparency of judicial case handling, protect the people's right to know, participate in and supervise procuratorial work, and create a sunshine procuratorial work. The hearers should improve their political position, strengthen their awareness of supervision according to law, and fully understand the significance of the hearing; At the same time, we should give full play to our respective advantages, perform the hearing duties objectively and impartially, and make fair judgments and opinions on the disputed facts, evidence admission, law application and case handling in the hearing cases, so as to ensure fair justice, improve the credibility and authority of the procuratorial organs, and achieve the "Three effects Unify and jointly contribute to the high-quality development of procuratorial work in the new era.


The People's Procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone will take the opportunity of the appointment of procuratorial hearers to continue to promote the work of procuratorial hearings. We will strengthen the standardization of hearing work, make the procuratorial hearing more practical and better, and make the society, the parties, and the people feel fair and just in every judicial case.