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To promote procuratorial justice through procuratorial hearing, 15 hearers "work with certificates" - Jinghu District Procuratorate held a hearing appointment ceremony and pre employment training meeting
Time: August 29, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to further promote the openness of procuratorial affairs, safeguard judicial justice and enhance judicial credibility, On the morning of August 24, the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District held the first appointment ceremony and pre appointment training meeting for procuratorial hearing personnel. Fifteen people from all walks of life, including deputies to the National People's Congress, CPPCC members, experts and scholars, lawyers, grassroots community cadres, were employed as procuratorial hearing personnel, and the first hearing personnel database of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District was established. The meeting was presided over by Ma Tiantian, Deputy Procurator General, and attended by Li Guangju, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General, and Zhu Xiaojiang, Director of the Comprehensive Business Department.


At the appointment ceremony, Ma Tiantian read out the "Decision on Employing Chen Gang and Other Comrades as Hearers of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District", and told the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District Since 2021, the procuratorial public hearings have been introduced in detail. Li Guangju issued letters of appointment for 15 hearers and held discussions and exchanges. All the hearers spoke out freely, saying that being elected as a procuratorial hearer is both an honor and a responsibility. Hearing is a bridge connecting procuratorial work and the work of all sectors of society. In the future, they will keep the bottom line of justice, maintain an objective and fair position, give play to their professional knowledge and skills, provide professional opinions and suggestions in the procuratorial hearing work, and help the high-quality development of procuratorial work.


Li Guangju congratulated the first batch of employed hearers and expressed heartfelt gratitude for their concern and support for the procuratorial work all the time. At the same time, he interpreted the original intention of the construction of the hearer bank and the prospect of the procuratorial hearing work from three aspects: why to carry out the procuratorial hearing, how to carry out the hearing work, and how to promote the procuratorial hearing work.

First, the procuratorate should perform its duties creatively, actively and conscientiously. In the process of promoting the legal construction, the procuratorial hearing is the initiative of the procuratorial organ in the new era to change the judicial concept The institutional innovation of "openness" to promote "justice" to win "public trust" is an active and conscientious performance of duties with "procedural justice" to promote "substantive justice" and "litigation source governance" to promote "national governance".

Second, the procuratorial hearing work should follow The principle of "consciousness, initiative, standardization and order". We should standardize the registration of hearing cases, strictly follow the hearing procedures, and organize the hearing work in an orderly manner, so that hearing becomes a normal way of handling cases for procuratorial organs. At the same time, we should constantly improve the supporting system and mechanism, and constantly improve the quality and efficiency of hearing cases.

Third, the hearers should earnestly perform their duties, deeply perform their duties, and dare to perform their duties. The hearers should strengthen their awareness of law popularization, help the procuratorial organs to turn every hearing case into a fresh lesson in the rule of law by participating in the case in person and actively participating in the interpretation of the law by case, help the publicity of law popularization by hearing, and actively spread the positive energy of procuratorial work.


In order to let the hearers have a deeper understanding of the procuratorial hearing procedure and the role and function of the hearers, after the appointment ceremony, the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District organized pre employment training for the employed hearers. Zhu Xiaojiang, director of the Comprehensive Business Department, thoroughly interpreted the Regulations on the People's Procuratorate's Examination of Case Hearing, and explained in detail the scope, procedures, rules, performance of duties, supervision, etc. of the procuratorial hearing cases. Later, the hearers watched the micro film "I'm a Prosecutor" series of "Public Hearing" together, and visited the live broadcast room of the procuratorial hearing, to intuitively feel the process and place of the procuratorial organ's hearing.

In the next step, the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District will continue to adhere to the people centered judicial concept, uphold the objective and fair position, and adhere to The working principle of "hearing as much as possible" is to strive to realize the normalization and standardized development of hearing work, so that the procuratorial power can continue to operate under the sun.