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[Good News] The learning of the history of the Party has achieved results, and the knowledge contest has won a prize
Time: August 23, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On August 19, the party history knowledge contest of "always follow the party, go strong and accompany us" held by the party committee of Wuhu Economic Development Zone came to an end. After fierce competition, the police of the People's Procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone won the second place in the "duel" from Comrade Xi Rong.


Support for the whole game The platform of "learning powerful country" adopts the mode of "two people playing against each other". The two winners will enter the first and second place contests, and the first and second places will be generated by PK. At the scene of answering questions, the police of the People's Procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone from Xi Rong focused on, calmly responded, and finally won the second place.


Since the launch of the party history learning and education, the procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone has organized meticulously and quickly set off a learning upsurge. This competition not only demonstrated the foundation of the party history learning of the party members and policemen in the procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, but also fully tested the effectiveness of the party history learning and education in the procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, further stimulated the enthusiasm of the policemen to work hard and encourage them to work hard Use well The learning platform of "learning to strengthen the country" will transform the learning and education achievements of the party history into the practical actions of doing things and serving the people.