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Reviewing the oath of joining the Party and having a good "political birthday"
Time: July 15, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

To celebrate the founding of the Communist Party of China On the 101st anniversary, the party spirit cultivation was strengthened and the red blood was inherited. On July 12, 14 party members and policemen from the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Economic Development Zone visited the Martyrs Memorial Hall in Shenshan Park.


Police officers walked into the martyrs' memorial hall, visited the advanced deeds of heroic martyrs in Wuhu's history from modern times to modern times, and expressed their sincere admiration for their loyalty to the Party with blood.


"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China and support the Party's program..." After the visit, Comrade Cai Xiaodong, Secretary of the Sub Party Group and Procurator General, led all Party members to review the oath of joining the Party. The original aspiration of the Party members was baptized and their ideals and beliefs were further strengthened. Everyone said that it is of great significance to visit the martyrs' footprints in the martyrs' memorial hall and continue the red blood. In the future, we should learn from the great spirit of our ancestors, do a good job in procuratorial work with more enthusiasm, and contribute procuratorial power to maintain judicial fairness and justice.