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Procuratorial window
[Protect Yourself for Teenagers · New Era Procuratorial Publicity Week] "Cloud" presents a gift to protect Chunmiao, and procuratorial opening celebrates "June 1"
Time: June 7, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On June 1, the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District held a special "cloud" procuratorial open day activity, allowing everyone to "travel" around the procuratorate without leaving home.  




Come online to clock in and learn about procuratorial work  





Through the clean and tidy boulevard, you can see the procuratorate building. Looking up, you can see it with great momentum.  




Xiezi, who sits on both sides of the gate, was a symbol of justice in ancient times, showing the majesty of law.  




The sun is shining and shining. The words "Loyalty, serving the people, responsibility, fairness and integrity" are engraved right above the gate, which is the basic code of ethics for prosecutors.  

Walking in, solemnity and solemnity, warmth and tenderness coexist.  


Inspection hall of the first station  

The procuratorial affairs hall is fully functional and has five reception windows, which are respectively for complaint and appeal, serving private enterprises, case acceptance, lawyer reception and legal consultation Provide one-stop service for the masses and the judiciary to handle cases.  



On the right side of the hall is the litigation file service center, which includes two functional areas: electronic file production and lawyer's file reading. It is mainly used to scan the paper file production, electronic file upload and case handling system, and provides services such as file reading and CD burning for defenders.  


On the left side of the hall is the remote video interview room. At present, the remote video access system has achieved four levels of connectivity, namely, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the provincial, municipal, county and district offices, and has truly achieved the goal of making more data run away and less people run away, so as to effectively reduce the burden of people's complaints.  




Going further, you will find the reception room of the Procurator General and the office of warmth control. Every Wednesday is the reception day for the Procurator General to receive the visiting people, deal with the demands of letters and visits, and convey the warmth of procuratorial work through legal interpretation and reasoning.  





Unchecked work area of the second station  

Strengthening the protection of minors is a hot issue of general concern to the society, and also an important work of the procuratorial organs. This is the uninspected working area of Fanchang District Procuratorate, which is divided into three compound functional areas: case handling working area, psychological counseling area and rule of law education area.   

The case handling work area is mainly used for handling cases such as interrogation, inquiry, hearing and announcement. Fanchang Procuratorate continued to promote the construction of social support system for unchecked work, introduced social forces, joined hands with "Fanchang District Chungu Blue Ribbon Volunteer Association", launched a new work mode of "unchecked+volunteer", focused on creating the brand of "spring seedlings" unchecked work, guarded the dreams of young people, and helped them fly against the wind.  





The psychological counseling area and the rule of law education area are mainly used to carry out legal popularization activities for minors, pacify their emotions, understand their psychological state, and provide psychological intervention for minors involved in the case according to professional facilities such as sandplay therapy and psychobiological feedback music chairs, so as to help minors overcome psychological barriers. Recently, a professional psychological consultant was introduced for a minor to carry out psychological consultation, and the response was good.  












The third station is the public hearing area  


This is the procuratorial hearing room, where the city's first public live broadcast hearing was held. It also took the lead in realizing the "three full coverage" of the Procurator General's hosting, synchronous audio and video recording, and online live broadcast, realizing the handling of cases in the sun, and further demonstrating fairness and justice in the form of "hearing and seeing".  




Fourth Station Mediation and Reconciliation Room  

This is the Mediation Room and the Mediation Room, which mainly carries out criminal reconciliation and conflict resolution activities involving law and litigation. The prosecutors resolve mass conflicts at the grass-roots level by communicating with both parties and fully mediating to promote reconciliation.  


This is the client's opinion room and the lawyer's opinion room, where the prosecutor listens to the opinions of the client and the lawyer when handling cases or letters and visits.  




This is the 12309 procuratorial service center network platform, which has a nickname "the procuratorate at the fingertip". The procuratorial organ accepts complaints and appeals online through 12309 website, mobile client, WeChat public account and procuratorial service hotline, provides legal advice, case information disclosure and accepts external supervision.  







The fifth stop is the Cultural Corridor  


There are five modules in the party building cultural corridor, which respectively introduce the history of the party, the history of procuratorial work, the history of prosperity, the model module and the work of serving private enterprises. In addition, the promenade always reminds prosecutors to make efforts to make people feel fair and just in every judicial case.  



