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[Protect Yourself for Teenagers · New Era Procuratorial Publicity Week] When "Children's Day" meets "Green Bookmark Special Action"
Time: May 31, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   two thousand and twenty-two  

   Children's Day  

Dear children

You know

"Green Bookmark Action"?

Let the prosecutor's little sister tell you


   Children's Day .  

   In order to help minors develop good reading habits and improve their network literacy, and create a good atmosphere of safe, healthy, sunny and happy growth, the People's Procuratorate of Yijiang District, together with the People's Procuratorate of Sanshan District, came to Wuhu Study • Jiangwan Academy "Rule of Law Micro Study" on the afternoon of May 28 to jointly carry out the "Special Action for Protecting Seedlings 2022 - Green Bookmark Action".  





   Rule of law "micro video"  

   "Protecting seedlings" shall not be disconnected  

   By playing short videos, the "Green Bookmark Action" is publicized to children, so that children can establish the awareness of protecting intellectual property rights and consciously resist and stay away from illegal and harmful publications and information.

   Zero distance interaction with the prosecutor's little sister  

Through interactive small lectures, distribution of publicity materials and on-site answers, children's ability to identify illegal publications was enhanced, and they consciously kept away from pirated products and unhealthy reading materials.

   Poster signature  

   Group photo  

The children came to the poster to sign their names, so that they could learn about copyright knowledge in a happy and relaxed atmosphere, and enhance their awareness of consciously resisting and keeping away from illegal and harmful publications and information.





   Many parents also said that this activity was very educational and focused people's attention on the mental health of minors. Children also learned how to protect themselves, enjoy green reading and grow up happily.  

   On the one hand, the implementation of this activity has greatly enhanced the children's ability to resist bad information, helped parents and children understand the importance of "combating pornography and illegal publications" more deeply, and improved the residents' awareness of prevention. On the other hand, it has formed a good atmosphere of "combating pornography and illegal publications" in the area, providing a more green environment for the growth of children in the area.