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[Good Life, Accompanied by Civil Code] "Code" brightens rural life
Time: May 24, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Jurist , The instrument of the world , So we have to decide what is right and what is wrong , The people of the county ordered it.  


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   On the second anniversary of the promulgation of the Civil Code, in order to further publicize the Civil Code, let the Civil Code go to the masses and the hearts of the masses, five month twenty-one On October th, Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate organized a civil code propaganda activity in the countryside in Nanhu Village, Yaogou Town Classic Brighten rural life.  

   In the lecture, the speaker first introduced the Four major procurators Functions are introduced from the great significance of the implementation of the Civil Code Highlights , for example, the civil code Can't help It solved the problem of community property and owners' interests, solved the problem of husband and wife's joint debt, and explained the legal provisions in the Civil Code that are closely related to the masses in plain language. Combining with actual cases, it highlighted marriage and family, private lending, guarantees, and other contents, and focused on the analysis of legal risks in private lending, Remind the elderly to guard against pension fraud and keep their money bags.  

   After the lecture, the institute presented a separate copy of the Civil Code to the villagers attending the lecture. Li Yefu, secretary of the Party branch of Nanhu Village, said that, Thank the procuratorial organ for coming to popularize the law. This lesson is rich and interesting, close to life, and the villagers can understand it and use it!