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[Happy Life, Accompanied by the Civil Code] The procurators in Yijiang entered the village and let the civil code protect the "sunset red"
Time: May 23, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   An old man in the family is like a treasure Respecting and loving the elderly is always the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly is the mission and responsibility of the Yijiang procuratorial police.  

   On the occasion of the second anniversary of the promulgation of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Second Procuratorate of the Yijiang Procuratorate took advantage of All four members Enter the village platform, enter the village, close to the masses, and carry out Good life Accompanied by the Civil Code Theme publicity week activities and protection the elderly Special supervision activities.  

   The procuratorial police went to each village to communicate with the grass-roots cadres, understand the situation of the village, especially the current situation and needs of elderly care, and study the civil code and other laws and regulations together, so as to lay a solid foundation for the future normalization of legal services.  

   In supermarkets, parks, squares and other places where the elderly group activities, the procuratorial police distribute brochures to the elderly, and in combination with typical cases, explain to the elderly the legal knowledge related to inheritance, maintenance, residence rights and other aspects of the Civil Code in an easy to understand way. At the same time Elderly care services , Investment Elderly care project , Sales Elderly care products , Claim Housing based pension And other means of pension fraud, exhort the elderly to be alert to various lecture , not trusting others sweet talk Don't disclose personal information easily, usually communicate with children, and contact the public security, procuratorial and judicial authorities in case of problems to prevent property loss.  

   This legal publicity activity not only helped the elderly understand the Civil Code, learn from the Civil Code, enhance their awareness of self-protection laws, create a good social atmosphere for valuing and caring for the elderly, but also conveyed the warmth of the People's Procuratorate in serving the elderly, so that the elderly can feel the temperature and power of the rule of law society.