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Throwing flowerpots on the 32nd floor is dangerous for girls! The procuratorial organ filed a public prosecution, and Sun was sentenced to six months in prison!
Time: April 14, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   two thousand and twenty-two year four month ten On the morning of the th, Sun Moumou, who was prosecuted by the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, held a court session to hear the case of throwing objects at high altitude. After court investigation, court debate, and the defendant's final statement of voluntary confession and repentance, the court sentenced the defendant Sun Moumou to commit the crime of throwing objects from high above the ground and sentenced him to six months' imprisonment and a fine of RMB two thousand Yuan.  

   After legal review, it was found that the defendant Sun was a resident of a community in Jinghu District, Wuhu City. At about 13:00 on October 6, 2021, when the defendant Sun Moumou went to the platform on the 32nd floor of the building where he lived to collect clothes for drying, he found that some sundries such as flower pots and plastic baskets had been placed on the foam box where he grew vegetables, so he angrily dropped the basket and flower pots containing soil from the top platform, and the basket fell onto the platform protruding from the second floor of the unit door, The flower pot fell onto the pedestrian road at the entrance of the unit door, and the girl passing by was almost hit. At about 22:00 on October 10, 2021, the defendant Sun Moumou was captured by the public security organ and truthfully confessed the facts of the crime after arriving at the case.  

   On March 1, 2021, "throwing objects from high above the ground" will be formally punished, which means that throwing objects from buildings or other high above the ground is not only a violation of social public morality, but also a criminal responsibility if the circumstances are serious. With more and more residential buildings on the 20th and 30th floors, throwing objects on high-rise buildings has a great potential safety hazard, which is like a hidden bomb to innocent pedestrians on the ground. Those who despise the law and ignore the harmfulness of throwing objects at high altitude will eventually suffer the consequences.  

   The prosecutor reminds:  

   "Safety above the head" needs to be guarded by everyone. As the owner of the community, we should improve our own quality, put an end to active throwing, and regularly check the safety of the windows and balcony items; As a community property, it should take the initiative to perform its duties, set up monitoring, ensure that the monitoring video is clear and complete, and timely alarm and save evidence in case of high-altitude parabolic.  




   source Jinghu Procurator