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[Prosecutorial War "Epidemic"] Be ruthless, I am a party member, I will go first!
Time: April 14, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Hello, please show me your health code, travel card forty-eight Negative proof of nucleic acid test within hours. afternoon two Point, the hot sun is baking the earth, at the exit of Wuxian Xuanhua Expressway armed forces Zhang Ling, a police officer in Wanpeng, is checking the vehicles passing through the high-speed checkpoints one by one.  


   This is the first time Zhang Ling has been on duty at the exit of Wu Xuan Expressway thirteen Days ago, from the panic and busyness when encountering the traffic jam at the beginning, we have been able to guide the vehicle inspection information, scan the code and register in an orderly manner …… The whole procedure is smooth and smooth without any mistakes. Zhang Ling said it was sunny roast Test to make him more successful cooked  

   I am a probationary party member. Please organize a test to apply for joining the frontline of epidemic prevention and control! Zhang Ling, a young police officer of the Wangui District Procuratorate, volunteered to apply for participation when collecting volunteers at the exit of the Wuhu Xuanhua Expressway Pestilence Line on duty. After simply picking up and changing clothes, he hurried to the expressway Isolation point Two points and one line On duty life. The first shift is three month thirty-one Day and night nine From: 00 to the next morning seven At, there was a lot of traffic on the night shift that day. Under the command and arrangement of the person in charge of the shift, Zhang Ling quickly entered the role and adapted to the post to carry out work. The night shift seemed to be particularly long that day, which made people feel sad and backache. But the next day, Zhang Ling saw the dawn break through the sky and bring light. At that moment, Zhang Ling felt that everything was worth it. He was also proud to joke that as a stranger who had just come to the Bay for less than half a year, he witnessed here one two three Night sky and early morning five six seven The point of the sun, can be counted as the authentic Wan Yi villagers.  

   It's hard to find out what's going on. It sounds simple, but it's not easy to do it. High speed bayonet is External defense input As the first line of defense, the Wanpeng exit of Wuhu Xuanhua Expressway is close to Xinwu Economic Development Zone, and the traffic volume passing through this exit inspection point every day is about three thousand And freight vehicles account for more than half. Zhang Ling is near ten During the five hour duty period, vehicles from medium and high risk areas or vehicles without relevant certification conditions should be advised to return in time, and nucleic acid sampling should be carried out immediately when non Wuhu vehicles land to ensure no leakage One car and one person When there are many cars, I can't even take a drink. When encountering traffic jams, Zhang Ling needs to improve her eyesight and strength to improve her work efficiency without mistakes or omissions. When the driver complains, he always explains patiently, calms the drivers and passengers, and timely provides mineral water, bread and other items for drivers and passengers in need.  

Keep protect  


   Epidemics are orders, and epidemic prevention is responsibility. As a probationary party member who is about to become a full member, this duty is not only a practice, but also a spiritual baptism and ideological tempering for Zhang Ling. He wrote it down with his own words and deeds Loyalty to the Party The sonorous oath of ……  



Stick to the post  

Escort for love  

open Night mode  

Welcome the first light of dawn  


   source Wan 沚 Procurator