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Looking back at the public interest litigation, protect the heroes and martyrs to continue their glory
Time: April 13, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Immortal heroes, the country forever! During the Tomb Sweeping Day, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District paid homage to heroes and remembered heroes through public interest litigation.  

   Recently, the public welfare litigation department police of the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District came to many martyr memorial facilities in Erba Town and Baimao Town of Jiujiang District to pay a return visit to the implementation of the procuratorial recommendations. During this period, the procuratorial police presented flowers to the martyrs' memorial tower and bowed collectively to express their high respect and deep feelings of remembrance for the martyrs.  

   The public interest litigation department of the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District carried out "Remembering the martyrs and protecting their souls" public interest litigation prosecutorial heroic protection special activity. After visiting and investigating the martyr memorial facilities in the area under its jurisdiction, it issued prosecutorial suggestions to the relevant functional departments on the problems such as damage, overgrown weeds, and no management of some martyr memorial facilities. After one year, the memorial facilities have been completely renovated. "Since the martyr memorial facilities were regularly cleaned and managed by specially assigned personnel, there is no longer the situation that weeds and withered leaves have not been cleaned and quilts have been dried near the memorial tower," said the village committee staff.  

Comparison diagram before and after rectification

   Martyrs' memorial facilities are important places for burying, remembering and praising revolutionary martyrs. It is the sacred duty of procuratorial organs to safeguard the honor of heroes. Next, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District will continue to play its procuratorial role in public interest litigation, cooperate with relevant departments to carry out the inspection and acceptance of the renovation project of martyr memorial facilities and the special action of management and protection, so that the honor of heroes will not be obscured and the red spirit will continue.  





   source Procurator Hatoyama