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[Procuratorial War "Epidemic"] Activists on the "Epidemic" Line
Time: April 12, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Pestilence Lead both ends of the line  

   He resonates with his father on the same frequency  

   Join hands in epidemic prevention Contribute spark power  

   The oath is sonorous  

   It is a mission, but also a responsibility  

   Pestilence Line operator   Shine the light of faith  

   I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the Party's program, and abide by the Party's Constitution …… Be ready to sacrifice everything for the Party and the people and never betray the Party. ”4 month eight Morning of eleven At the time of one A special oath ceremony is being held at the isolation point of Building No. For the sake of ambition and ambition, after entering the isolation point to participate in the front-line work of epidemic prevention, the People's Procuratorate of Wangui District “95 after Hu Xuesen, a police officer, resolutely submitted an application for joining the Party to the Party organization to show his strong desire and determination to work hard and move closer to the Party organization in the fight against the epidemic.  

   four month two Day and night ten Point, after learning that Zhonggong Education one After the isolation point of No. building urgently needed volunteers, Hu Xuesen actively communicated with the comrades in charge of volunteer service allocation and volunteered to participate in the front-line war Pestilence At the isolation point for epidemic prevention and control, he volunteered to undertake the tasks of killing inside the isolation area with high risk and heavy workload, delivering food services, collecting garbage in the isolation area, etc., and always put everything ahead. Where there are difficulties and needs, he does not say anything about front service. Among the isolation personnel, there was an elderly couple whose wife had a broken leg and needed to rest in a bed alone, but there was only one bed in the isolation room. After learning their needs, Hu Xuesen hurriedly moved a bed from another empty room, and did not leave until he made the bed and helped the old man to bed.  

   Every day, dozens of isolation personnel will be added to the isolation point. In addition to completing their own garbage cleaning, killing and other work, he also actively undertakes the reception of these new isolation personnel, guiding the bus transporting the isolation personnel to the nucleic acid sampling point downstairs of the isolation point, and then placing the isolation personnel in their respective rooms, wearing protective clothing and standing in the hot sun, One or two hours at a time. He, who has undertaken many tasks, often needs to stay busy late at night, but he never complains. He always insists that only by doing more practical things and using more practical methods can he create more effective working style.  

   Hu Xuesen lives in Chaohu, two thousand and twenty-one year eleven In June, he joined the Wan Yu family to inspect the family. If there was no epidemic, he would return home once every two weeks to reunite with his parents. This time, because of the epidemic, he had not returned home for more than two months. In the video chat with his parents, he saw that his father, a senior old party member and secretary of the party branch of the town health center, had been busy in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, which strengthened him If you can't go home, do a good job of volunteer service The idea of. Pestilence Line leads both ends, he and his father once again resonate on the same frequency, and work together to contribute to the front-line epidemic prevention cause.   

   The light of faith        

   The vow is sonorous, a mission, a responsibility, and a light of faith. For Hu Xuesen, The "epidemic" line application for joining the Party is not only a glory, but also a inheritance of the spirit of excellent Communist Party members like their father, and is the source of power to gather anti epidemic forces. He said that he would be more enthusiastic and more confident in his work, and would go all out to contribute spark power to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control!  




   source Wan 沚 Procurator