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[Procuratorial War "Epidemic"] "Epidemic" starts to guard! No holiday for inspection and epidemic prevention
Time: April 7, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Prosecutors War epidemic

People | ambition | success | city | war | epidemic | emotion  

   During the Tomb Sweeping Day, facing the still severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, the Wandang District Procuratorate firmly established The masses celebrate the festival and the cadres pass the exam The ideological understanding of, twenty-five Thirty police officers voluntarily gave up their leave and actively participated in the duty of epidemic prevention points to ensure that the epidemic prevention and control was not lax during the festival and protect the safety of the people with practical actions.  

   Xu Lei, Secretary of the CPC Leading Group and Procurator General of the People's Court of the People's Republic of China, led a team to visit epidemic prevention sites such as the Procuratorate Community and Bada Zhenghe Garden, visited the procuratorial police who were committed to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control, understood the police's duty situation in detail, asked about the implementation of various prevention and control measures and the difficulties, and asked everyone to resolutely follow the overall arrangement and strictly implement various work and discipline requirements, Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and cadres, and highlight the responsibilities and responsibilities of procuratorial organs.  

   During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the pressure on the prevention and control of the epidemic situation at the entrance and exit of the Wuwu Xuanhua Expressway increased. The police of the Wangui District Procuratorate strictly implemented the checkpoint management, and implemented scanning, registration, detection and other measures for vehicles and personnel coming to the Bay, firmly holding on External defense input The first line of defense is to resolutely eliminate the risk of epidemic transmission.  



   Participate in the epidemic prevention and control at the isolation point of public education  

   Go to each community to be on duty Home  

   Go deep into enterprise supervision  

Support Wanpeng District General Hospital  

   People | ambition | success | city | war | epidemic | emotion  




   source Wan 沚 Procurator