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[Implement the spirit of the city's Procurator General Meeting] Nanling Procurator: preserve the background, strive for the bright colors, and keep the true colors
Time: 2022-02-25 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   two month twenty-three On the morning of the th, the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County held a police conference to convey and study the spirit of the procurator general meeting of the city, and two thousand and twenty-one The annual advanced collectives, advanced individuals and outstanding individuals will be commended.  

   At the meeting, Chen Liang, director of the Political Department, read out the commendation decision two Advanced collectives six Advanced individuals three Top employees presented awards and congratulated. Taking stock of the past and looking forward to the future, the representatives of advanced collectives, advanced individuals and outstanding employees, in combination with their own procuratorial work, delivered their acceptance speeches to inspire people.  

   Subsequently, Lu Yueping, secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Academy, conveyed the spirit of the city's Procurator General Conference and put forward specific requirements on how to carry out the work in the new year in combination with the actual procuratorial work of Nanling. He pointed out that, two thousand and twenty-two The year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is the year when the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held. The whole hospital should take the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the main line, resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the national, provincial and municipal attorney general conferences, adhere to the problem orientation, goal orientation, and effect orientation, base on a new starting point, grasp the new situation, implement the new requirements, and focus on the protection of weaknesses and weaknesses Ground color Focus on brand innovation Compete for bright colors Focus on team building Keep true color , find gaps, improve quality, strengthen work style, focus on implementation, and strive to achieve excellence Four Ones The goal and task is to promote the procuratorial work of Nanling to a new level.  



   source Nanling Prosecutors