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[Implement the spirit of the city's Procurator General Meeting] Jiujiang Procurator: focus on improving the style of work, promoting business improvement, and promoting brand building to break away from weakness and strive for excellence
Time: 2022-02-25 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   In the afternoon of February 23, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District held a police conference to learn and convey the spirit of the provincial and municipal attorney general conference. The meeting carefully summarized the work in 2021, analyzed the deficiencies in finding out problems, and made arrangements for the work in 2022.  

   The meeting required the whole hospital to conscientiously implement the provincial party committee "The first meeting of the New Year" and the spirit of the provincial and municipal attorney general meeting.  

   with "Year of Quality Construction" as an opportunity, Grasping style improvement and promoting business promotion  

   Resolutely eradicate "Yong", "lazy", "scattered", "floating", "dragging" and other issues, actively strengthen learning and improve business capabilities; Take the initiative to take responsibility and improve the sense of responsibility; Actively strengthen unity and improve communication and cooperation ability; Take the initiative to go deep into the front line and improve the execution ability; Actively explain the law and reason, and improve the quality and efficiency of handling cases.  

   with Relying on "double bases and innovation", Grasping brand construction, promoting separation from thinness and striving for excellence  

   We should keep pace with the advanced institutes and excellent models, practice our skills hard and improve our basic abilities with a ready attitude; We should adhere to the principle of actual combat "If I'm suing", handle the "small cases" around the masses; With the momentum of decisive battle, we should devote ourselves to procuratorial practice, constantly sum up and polish the experience of Hatoyama, cultivate brand models, strive for first-class performance, and contribute procuratorial power to the high-quality development of the whole region.  


   The meeting also commended Advanced individual in 2021, awarded the procuratorial honorary medal to four comrades who have passed the 30th anniversary of the procuratorial examination.  




   source Hatoyama Prosecutors