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[Implement the spirit of the city's Procurator General Meeting] Jinghu Procurator: Face the problem squarely and set out in full
Time: 2022-02-25 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   On February 23, the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District held a police conference to quickly convey the spirit of the city's Procurator General Conference. Based on the attitude of facing problems directly and learning from pain, the meeting made a detailed and comprehensive inventory of the shortcomings and shortcomings in the work of the whole hospital, closely based on reality, and planned "golden ideas" and "good prescriptions" to improve the quality and efficiency of work.  

   The meeting proposed how to implement the spirit of the city's Procurator General Meeting The requirement of "four rises":  

   One is to accelerate and move  

   We should have a clear understanding of our work The situation and current situation of "no retreat", with the sense of urgency and responsibility of "slow progress is retreat, no progress is retreat", forge the short plate long, strengthen the weak, pull the advantages away, and run out of Jinghu to check the acceleration.  


   Second, we should pay attention to it at multiple levels  

   We should fully mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for work and ensure the participation of all staff. The leaders in charge should get down to work and not relax, the department heads should comprehensively manage and not be soft, and all police officers should really move and not be lazy, and work together with high spirit and indomitable attitude.  


   Third, we need Gao Suneng  

   To carry out The "Year of Quality Construction" is an opportunity for all police officers to take the initiative to learn, be good at thinking, and strengthen summary. When encountering difficulties, they should take the initiative to find ways to solve them, so as not to find reasons for difficulties, but only to find ways to develop. They should constantly hone their skills and abilities in handling cases in judicial practice and for the people, and change from "professionals" to "generalists" in procuratorial case handling.  


   Fourth, we should change our style of work and practice  

   All police officers should conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial conference on improving the work style for the people, doing practical things for the enterprise and improving the environment, and the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal attorney general conferences. Under the background of strict standards and higher quality of procuratorial work, they should do every job well and thoroughly. They should carefully study and take the initiative "Dragonfly skimming the water" type of fatigue to cope with, but to have "get off the horse and see the flowers" like hard work.  

   The meeting also conveyed the spirit of relevant meetings of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, provincial, municipal and district commissions for discipline inspection and related violations Typical case notification of "three regulations".  




   source Jinghu Lake Prosecutors