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Yijiang Procurator "Accompanies" You to Start School -- Public Welfare Litigation Safeguards the Security around the Campus
Time: 2022-02-17 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   New semester, new weather. In order to ensure the food safety and public safety around the campus, and protect the physical and mental health of minors, the Yijiang District Procuratorate carried out a special action to guard the safety around the campus during the school season.  

   two month fourteen On October th, the procuratorial police successively went to Limin Road Primary School, Guigang Primary School, Huolonggang Central School, No. 25 Middle School and other schools within their jurisdiction to visit and investigate the snack shops, supermarkets, snack shops, stationery stores, bookstores around the campus, focusing on food safety, tobacco retail sales, public safety and illegal publications.  




   Food safety inspection  

   juveniles Safety on the tip of the tongue It is a top priority. The procuratorial police found that most businesses have standardized operation, complete certificates and licenses and are within the validity period, but some businesses have food safety problems in their operation, such as food and toys being placed together, Three None The food, expired or impending food is not disposed in time, and primary and secondary school students often lack the ability to distinguish, so they are easy to buy and eat, thus damaging the health of minors.  


   The procuratorial police remind the merchants to make rectification on the spot and strengthen Opening season Self inspection of goods. At the same time, we will inform the market supervision department of the above individual food safety problems and urge them to strengthen daily inspection.  


   Problems found:  






   Tobacco retail inspection  

   The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors stipulates that it is prohibited to sell tobacco and alcohol to minors, and operators should set up signs in prominent places not to sell tobacco and alcohol to minors. The Measures for the Administration of Tobacco Monopoly Licenses stipulates that no tobacco monopoly retail license shall be issued around primary and secondary schools.  


   For this reason, the procuratorial police also carried out an inspection on the tobacco retail around the school, and found that there was a phenomenon of tobacco retail around the newly established school. These businesses began to retail tobacco before the school was established, and all had tobacco monopoly licenses, but some businesses did not set signs in prominent positions prohibiting the sale of tobacco and alcohol products to minors.  


   The procuratorial police remind the operators to prohibit the sale of tobacco and alcohol to minors, and put forward suggestions to the administrative organs responsible for supervision and management, urging them to strengthen supervision and rectification, and jointly protect the physical and mental health of minors.  





   Public safety inspection  

   Every time during school and after school, the school gate is always crowded. In such a crowded place, it is necessary to ensure the gas safety of catering stores to prevent safety accidents.  


   In the opposite of Huajin Road Campus of Limin Road Primary School, many restaurants have been opened, such as steamed bun shops, noodle shops, Malatang, etc. However, since there is no gas supply, businesses can only use gas tanks with lower safety factors.  


   The procuratorial police will check the use of gas tanks in these restaurants, check whether the gas tank's qualification sign is correctly placed, whether the rubber hose is aging, and whether there is leakage at the interface, and remind the operators to use the gas tanks correctly, enhance their safety awareness, and prevent accidents from happening burn To protect the lives and property of minors and surrounding residents.  





   Illegal publication inspection  

   Books are the ladder of human progress, but they involve Yellow fulminant poison Books and periodicals with harmful contents such as cults and superstitions corrode the mental health of minors and distort their values narcotics  


   In order to create a good reading environment, the procuratorial police checked the business licenses of the bookstores around the school, read the contents of the books, and found no problem of trafficking in illegal publications.  


   Next, the procuratorial police will also visit the bookstores and street vendors around the school regularly to inform the relevant administrative departments of the problems found, so as to ensure the safety and order of the cultural market around the campus.  


   Minors are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors and let them grow healthily is the mission and goal of public interest litigation of procuratorial organs.  


   In the future, the Procuratorate of Yijiang District will continue to play the role of public interest litigation, carry out minors' protection actions, strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant administrative organs, do a good job in promoting the rule of law, and provide a safe and healthy growth environment for minors in its jurisdiction.  


   source Yi Jiang Procurator