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Procuratorial Daily | Wuwei Tao Xiaohan: Answer the procuratorial "examination paper" of the new era
Time: 2022-02-08 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Procuratorial Daily( two thousand and twenty-two year 01 month twenty-eight Day 06 Pioneer Weekly)  


   Original title  

   Promote the normalization of education rectification and answer well the procuratorial work in the new era Examination paper  



Anhui Wuwei People's Procuratorate  

Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General   Tao Xiaohan  


   The key to fulfill the procuratorial duties in the new era lies in the people; To achieve high-quality development of procuratorial work, the key is to have a loyal, clean and competent procuratorial team. As a grass-roots procuratorial organ, it is necessary to deeply study, practice and understand Xi Jinping's idea of rule of law, consolidate the achievements of deepening the education and rectification of the political and legal ranks, and work hard to manage the masses with emotion Minor cases , with the tenacity of always on the road, try to answer the procuratorial work of the new era Examination paper  


   We will work consistently to promote political development. Absolute loyalty to the Party is always the first political character of procurators. We should always remember that the first identity is the Communist Party member, and the first responsibility is to work for the Party. Our hospital has always adhered to the CPC's absolute leadership over procuratorial work and actively implemented First topic We will study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on political and legal work. Our hospital adheres to the integration of politics and business, integrates and implements politics into all aspects and the whole process of procuratorial work, recognizes and deals with business issues from a political perspective, makes business work deeper and more practical to reflect political requirements, and adheres to and defends active performance of duties Two establishment , resolutely Two maintenance  


   We will persevere in upholding good conduct and discipline. Our hospital has long adhered to the main tone of strictness, conscientiously implemented the "Provisions on the Responsibility of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) to Implement the Principle of Strictly Managing the Party in an All round Way", and improved and implemented the mechanism of strictly controlling the Party's governance and inspection in an all-round way. We have established and improved a regular analysis mechanism for the dynamic thinking of the procuratorial police. Through regular research and judgment, we can timely bite the ears and pull the sleeves of the police with signs of bad thinking, so as to build a solid ideological foundation for the police; Pay close attention to the implementation of the guidelines for the prevention and control of corruption risks in judicial cases, and further improve the prevention of judicial interference Three regulations Normalized implementation mechanism, deepening supervision and discipline enforcement Four forms We should focus on the small, the emerging and the regular, and make sure that the discipline and the iron rules are effective, so that the procuratorial team can develop healthily in compliance with regulations and disciplines. two thousand and twenty-one In, our hospital took the responsibility of Three regulations Items filled in two Police to deal with it and report it to the public Three regulations Implementation and active supervision.  


   Perseverance in tackling stubborn diseases. During the period of education rectification, our hospital closely focused on “6+2” Special rectification was carried out for persistent maladies, and the Regulations on Further Strengthening the Management of the Linkage and Cooperation of Community Correction Work and other relevant systems were formulated and issued fifteen Item. On the basis of carefully summarizing the good experience and good practices of rectifying persistent diseases during the educational rectification, we have always worked tirelessly to formulate rectification measures at the level of system and mechanism, build a long-term mechanism for regular investigation and rectification, and dynamically investigate emerging prominent problems in law enforcement and justice, focusing on solving the universal, systematic and deep-seated problems in the educational rectification. Our hospital also continued to strengthen the restriction and supervision of the operation of procuratorial power, improved the implementation of the list system of judicial powers and responsibilities, normalized the implementation of the system of case quality assessment, accountability for misjudged cases and punishment, and promoted the procuratorial police to be fair, civilized and standardized in the administration of justice. We pay close attention to the implementation of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era, dare to supervise, be good at supervision, and dare to self supervise, and ensure that solid results are achieved in tackling persistent diseases with a solid style and excellent measures.  


   We will unswervingly work hard to improve the team's work style. Our hospital has established and improved the mechanism of selecting, publicizing and learning procuratorial models, focusing on Bright color ”“ Ground color Characteristics: strengthen the selection and publicity of the role models around us, embody the criteria of tree selection in performing procuratorial duties with a high degree of political consciousness, rule of law consciousness, and procuratorial consciousness, and vigorously promote the professionalism of procuratorial heroes in the new era to faithfully perform their duties, be active in justice, and pursue the ultimate, so as to drive the atmosphere of the procuratorial team to continue to improve. Our hospital advocates the above leadership, being realistic and pragmatic, and pursuing perfection Three styles , advocating the courage to take on responsibilities, dedication and integrity Three spirits We also vigorously explore the implementation of the procuratorial police warmhearted project, build a regular mechanism of caring for police officers, and carry out an eight hour home visit activity for hospital leaders, constantly stimulate the morale and dedication of police officers, and strive to improve the soft power of the development of procuratorial work.  


   We will work tirelessly to improve quality. Improving the ability and quality of procurators is the goal of education and rectification, and is also an urgent need for the development of procuratorial work in the new era. Adhering to the new situation, new tasks and new challenges, our hospital strengthened the construction of police's political quality, professional quality and professional ethics quality around improving their ability to take on responsibilities, and supplemented the weaknesses in performing their duties according to law. two thousand and twenty-one Since 1999, we have carried out activities such as the leadership of the court on the podium, prosecutors teaching prosecutors, and public procuratorate law training in the same classroom twelve And constantly improve the legal supervision ability of procurators. We have also strengthened the full, comprehensive and full-time assessment of procuratorial personnel, and deepened the use of case - Piece ratio The quality and efficiency evaluation standards constantly release the procuratorial productivity and combat effectiveness by improving the scientific management ability.  


   source Procuratorial Daily