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Ranking list | WeChat ranking ranked first in the province for seven consecutive months, and hospitals in counties, cities, and districts were listed for 12 times
Time: November 1, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the national ranking list of "Internet+Procuratorate" new media index in September 2023 and Anhui ranking list of "Internet+Procuratorate" new media index in September 2023 were released successively. The official WeChat official account of Wuhu Procuratorate remains the first in the province, and the county, city and district offices are listed in various lists for 12 times.

National list Wuhu procuratorial WeChat ranked seventh in the national procuratorial WeChat prefecture city ranking.

Provincial ranking 13 new media accounts of Wuhu Procuratorate and Procuratorate entered the list and ranked high, namely:

1、 Wuhu City Courtyard, Jinghu, Wuwei Courtyard Listed in the province's WeChat list Top, eighth, tenth Wuhu Courtyard WeChat Won the championship in the province's WeChat list for seven consecutive months.

2. Seven county, city and district courts in the city entered the provincial WeChat district and county list. Among them, Jinghu Courtyard won the championship consecutively Wuwei, Jiujiang Yard Advance Top five , Column Third and fourth Fanchang, Yijiang, Nanling, Wandangyuan All in Top 20

3、 Wuhu Municipal Hospital Keep in the provincial procuratorial microblog city level list sixth

4、 Jinghu Courtyard Entered the province's procuratorial microblog district/county list, ranked fifteenth

5、 Wuhu Municipal Hospital The headline number once again entered the provincial prosecutorial headline number city level list Top 10

6、 Jinghu Lake, Wuwei Yard Entered the province's top procuratorial list of districts and counties Fifteenth, Eighteenth.

Description of the national list: 3520 procuratorial WeChat messages, 3062 procuratorial microblogs, 2635 procuratorial headlines, etc. submitted by the local procuratorial organs at all levels are the sample candidates. The monitoring period is from September 1 to September 30, 2023.

Description of the list of Anhui: The sample of candidates is 125 procuratorial WeChat messages, 125 procuratorial microblogs and 116 procuratorial headlines submitted by procuratorial organs at all levels in Anhui Province. The monitoring period is from September 1 to September 30, 2023.