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[Prosecutorial Business Pacesetter] Wang Meijiao: Walk towards the light and be a follower of procuratorial public interest litigation
Time: April 18, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

They uphold the firm belief in the rule of law

They are unremittingly pursuing fairness and justice
They love procuratorial work immensely
On the field, encourage words and show off the square
Be conscientious and meticulous in work
Focus on Wuhu Procuratorate
Business model, expert and public prosecution elite
Appreciate their style
Learn from their experience
Catch up with them

Since this year, in various business competitions held by the procuratorial organs of the province, the police of Wuhu procuratorial organs have fought bravely for the first place, achieved good results and reported good news frequently. From now on, Wuhu procuratorial WeChat official account will successively launch a series of articles, such as "procuratorial business model", "procuratorial business experts", "public prosecution elites", etc. These procuratorial business elites will share their own experience without reservation for learning. Please pay attention!

Wang Meijiao
The Deputy Director of the Fifth Procuratorial Department of Wuhu People's Procuratorate has successively won the honorary titles of Wuhu Excellent Communist Party Member, Advanced Individual, Excellent Civil Servant, Individual Commendation, Wuhu Administrative Procuratorate "Business Model", Anhui Provincial Public Interest Litigation Procuratorate "Business Model", etc.

After ten years of inspection, I have gradually become the business backbone of the unit from a new comer to the workplace. It is said that excellent prosecutors are slowly honed out of cases. Today, I have gone from a public interest litigation prosecutor who runs in the field, walks the streets and lanes, and measures the earth with his feet to a "business model" who writes for the sword, braves the wind and waves, takes the word as the edge, and passes the test, which is not only a test of my public interest litigation procuratorial practical ability, It is also a high-intensity training.

It should be said that the support of the leaders, the help of the comrades, and the competition among the contestants are the tranquilizer that I can enter the competition state with confidence and easily and smoothly; Years of work accumulation is the stepping stone for me to participate in this competition, and also the touchstone for my public interest litigation procuratorial work in recent years. In the process of intense competition, let me continue to have a deep understanding of myself, face weaknesses, tap potential and summarize experience. My feeling is that we should learn more, think more and practice more, so that we can play properly.

Learn more. The reason why the competition is a trial is not only to select talents who are good at accumulation and comprehensive knowledge in daily work, but also to let the players with single ability and one-sided knowledge realize their own shortcomings and constantly improve themselves. The knowledge points examined in this business competition cover a wide range, which highlights the daily legal accumulation of competitors. This requires us to systematically and comprehensively strengthen the learning of theoretical knowledge at ordinary times and avoid "hating less when the book is used". Only with a solid theoretical foundation can we continuously improve our learning ability.

Think more. Business competition is the simulation and concentration of practical work. Handling cases is an internal skill. In ordinary times, only by learning and thinking calmly can we achieve a leap from "quantity" accumulation to "quality". Therefore, we should be good at thinking and summarizing, constantly deepen our understanding of relevant legislative interpretation in our study, and thoroughly understand each case. We should not only keep improving common cases, but also make sure that cases in new fields are handled accurately from understanding to understanding until the end.

Practice more. In addition to the professional ability of the players, the business competition should also examine the players' ability to cope with the situation on the spot. It is an essential link to strengthen the practice in the preparation for the competition. Through continuous practice, we can find problems and improve them, enhance our ability to respond and think logically, and constantly enhance our self-confidence. Only when we have the psychological quality of not being timid in any situation, can we show a temperament image full of self-confidence and fluency in the competition.

He who strives first will succeed. The "business model" of the provincial public interest litigation prosecution is not only an honor, but also a responsibility for me. I will never forget my original intention and mission, faithfully perform the duties of the prosecutor, continue to start from the little things around me, focus on the urgent needs of the masses, and contribute my own light and heat to the procuratorial work of public interest litigation.