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Procuratorial style
Walk briskly, come together! Go out of Wuhu to inspect the spirit!
Time: October 29, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small



Autumn is bright and crisp in October. ten month twenty-six The Anhui Nationwide Fitness Walking Conference (Wuhu Station) was held in the Maren Qifeng Scenic Spot in Fanchang County on October 1. The theme of the event was "Never forget the original path, a new journey of walking". Wuhu Procuratorate Organization fifteen Police officers participated in the activity.  

   The whole city four thousand Many contestants started from the starting point. Along the way, the huge team, like a long dragon, stretches on the fitness trail, echoing the beautiful scenery of Maren Qifeng, forming a beautiful scenery.  

   During the walk, everyone was full of energy and enthusiasm, talking while walking, breathing fresh air, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and feeling the joy of walking.  

   The Wuhu procuratorial team completed the whole journey with the spirit of unity, progress and initiative, and won the medal. Although very tired, everyone felt extremely relaxed and happy. They unanimously said that by taking part in the brisk walking activity, they demonstrated the spirit of unity, liveliness and uplifting of Wuhu procuratorial police, enriched cultural life, enhanced communication and exchange, and played a positive role in enhancing the health awareness of the police.  

   writing Guo Chen