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Procuratorial style
[Prosecutors around] Tu Yuan, Municipal People's Office
Time: July 10, 2017 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


Comrade Tu Yuan, from two thousand and five In, he passed the civil servant examination and worked in Wuhu People's Procuratorate. He successively worked in the Anti Corruption Bureau and Civil Administration Division of Wuhu People's Procuratorate, and served as a clerk, assistant procurator, and procurator, two thousand and sixteen In, he was selected as the post prosecutor of the Civil Administration Division of the Municipal People's Court and won the title of "advanced individual" and awards for many times.


1、 Be willing to be ordinary and refuse to be ordinary

In the eyes of many people, the civil administration department of the procuratorate can be regarded as "alternative". It is full of trivial matters, and it is difficult to make achievements in handling civil administration cases. But in fact, the procuratorial business of civil administration involves civil and administrative procedural laws from the procedural law, and the substantive law, judicial interpretation, administrative regulations, departmental rules and local regulations involving civil, commercial, economic and administrative laws are more complicated, which has high requirements for the legal literacy of police officers. Comrade Tu Yuan, from two thousand and eleven After being transferred to the office of the People's Bank of China in, starting from being familiar with the work process of the People's Bank of China, I humbly asked leaders and colleagues for advice. With my strong legal skills and strong interest in civil and commercial law, I jumped into the case handling work and quickly became the business backbone of the office. At present, I have handled various civil and administrative supervision cases one hundred and eighty More than, the cases handled were recognized by leaders and other colleagues because of their accurate nature, sufficient reasoning and high quality. Especially in two thousand and thirteen In the case of a Wuhu investment company and Yang Moumou's false lawsuit held in, Tu Yuan gave full play to his long-term expertise and experience in investigating in the anti-corruption department, and formulated a detailed and thorough investigation plan in advance according to the clues of the case; Draw up an outline for interrogation, and interrogate the parties in the detention center to obtain key statements; Went to the industry and commerce and land departments in other places to investigate relevant documents and finally successfully investigated and handled the case of illegal transfer of mining rights and case value by the malicious collusion of both parties and forged IOUs eight hundred A huge false lawsuit of more than 10000 yuan. The case was filed in two thousand and fifteen It was rated as Excellent civil procuratorial cases of national procuratorial organs ", Comrade Tu Yuan also won the honorary certificate issued by the highest procuratorate; The case was also elected to the national procuratorial organ two thousand and twelve two thousand and fourteen Typical Cases of Civil False Litigation Supervision.


2、 Guarding public welfare and promoting pilot projects

two thousand and fifteen year seven In September, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress authorized the Supreme People's Procuratorate to pilot procuratorial organs in some regions of the country to initiate public interest litigation. Later, Wuhu became one of the first batch in Anhui Province eight One of the pilot cities. Tu Yuan was appointed by the leaders to take charge of the public interest litigation work in the city. Over the past two years, he has visited the scene of public interest litigation cases thirty More than, investigate and deal with case clues sixty More than, sponsored and participated in public interest litigation cases twelve To guide the county and district courts to send pre litigation procuratorial suggestions eighteen And submit the case information to the superior court one hundred More than, writing work summary, meeting materials, research articles in total fourteen Of six More than ten thousand words. Tu Yuan also hosted the case of administrative public interest litigation against Wuwei County Land and Resources Bureau for being lazy in performing its duties, which is the first public interest litigation case in our city. In the process of handling the case, Comrade Tu Yuan successively six I went to three illegal mining sites in the mountains of Yanqiao Town, Wuwei County for field survey, took a lot of photos and videos, and collected detailed evidence for the prosecution of the case; When the case was reported to the highest level for examination and approval, Tu Yuan joined the municipal hospital's flood fighting and rescue commando to carry out the flood control task. After the day's dike patrol, Tu Yuan worked overtime to write legal documents of the case, regardless of fatigue, and rushed to the provincial hospital to deliver them the next day; Deliberately wrote the prosecution opinion and defense opinion It was calm and steady, the evidence was clear, the debate was well founded, and the final court judgment fully supported the prosecution's claims.


3、 Caring for the masses and serving the people's livelihood

The procuratorial work of the People's Bank of China is closely related to the daily life of ordinary people Tu Yuan knew that "there is no trivial matter in the interests of the masses" in the process of handling cases. While maintaining the authority of the law, he cared about the sufferings of the masses, solved problems for the masses, and acted as a "timely rain" for the needy and vulnerable groups. If handling In the case of compensation for damages in a road traffic accident, Tu Yuan believed that the affiliated party of the truck involved in the case, that is, a transportation company in Bengbu, should also be investigated for joint and several liability for compensation, so he went to Huaiyuan County, Bengbu with other colleagues in the office to obtain the certificate of affiliation, which made the case successful in changing the sentence after the protest, and Tan also received hundreds of thousands of yuan of urgently needed "life-saving money". For another example, in a labor dispute case, the court refused to recognize the labor relationship between the applicant Wang Moumou and a construction company on the ground that they did not sign a written labor contract. Tu Yuan, after reviewing, believed that although there was no written labor contract, he made a comprehensive judgment on Wang Moumou's work distribution, salary payment and the business scope of the construction company, According to relevant administrative regulations, it should be determined that there is a labor relationship between the two parties, and the case should be protested in a timely manner, so that Wang could finally get it seven point five Ten thousand yuan of industrial injury compensation.