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Procuratorial style
Our professional demonstration course of judicial police in the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province was rated as the excellent demonstration course
Time: 2016-10-28 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In April this year, under the unified guidance of the Judicial Police Corps of the Provincial Procuratorate, a demonstration course for the judicial police of the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province was launched. Our hospital was responsible for the course of "assisting in the pursuit of fugitive or fugitive criminal suspects". After months of careful preparation and planning, we transferred the cadres of county and district courts for a special discussion and then reported it to the Judicial Police Corps of the Provincial People's Court for review and approval, The school leaders paid great attention to the video shooting of this course, allocated special funds to shoot this course, made serious preparations, shot the subject in many places such as the railway station, the highway intersection, the office, and cooperated with the explanation and professional slow motion demonstration, and successfully completed the shooting of the course under the joint efforts and coordination of all parties, After post production, it was reported to the Provincial People's Court to participate in the selection of Anhui Provincial Procuratorial Organ Judicial Police Professional Demonstration Course. In the selection, through professional explanation and video broadcast, it was unanimously praised. After discussion by the Provincial People's Court and local and municipal experts, it was finally rated as Anhui Provincial Procuratorial Organ Judicial Police Professional Demonstration Excellent Demonstration Course. (From the Police Department)