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[Party discipline learning and education] Yi Jiang Procurator: Watching the trial from zero distance and taking the case as a lesson
Time: May 14, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to solidly carry out the learning and education of Party discipline, deepen the learning, discipline and warning of cases, and guide the police to build a strong "red line" awareness and "bottom line" thinking, on May 10, the People's Procuratorate of Yijiang District, Wuhu City organized young police officers to "zero distance" watch the trial.

The court hearing scene was solemn, rigorous and orderly. In the process of proceeding step by step, the defendant, as a law enforcement officer, violated his original mission and gradually moved towards a crime. The procuratorial police listened carefully, looked solemn, and felt the dignity of law and discipline and the serious consequences of crimes.

This court trial observation activity made the party discipline "live" through cases, turned "negative teaching materials" into "live teaching materials" for anti-corruption warning education, guided young police officers to tie up the "integrity deduction" from the inspection, transformed iron discipline into daily habits and consciously followed, and always achieved loyalty and clean responsibility.

In the next step, Yijiang District Procuratorate will continue to carry out party discipline learning education, constantly enrich the carrier and form of warning education, ensure that the content of party discipline learning education is practical and formal, educate and guide the police to always tighten the strings of integrity and self-discipline, further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, know the fear, guard against fear, keep the bottom line, and build a dam against corruption.