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[Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] Qinglan learned to be honest from the procuratorate and Wuhu Procuratorate held the second "Qinglan Reading Club"
Time: April 1, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law and Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, foster advanced procuratorial culture, create a learning organization, create a strong atmosphere for reading, and promote procuratorial officers to strictly observe the bottom line of integrity, on March 29, the Wuhu People's Procuratorate held the second "Blue Book Fair", which was attended by hospital leaders, middle-level cadres, and all police officers.

The theme of this reading conference is "study and implement the 'ten prohibitions' and the' three regulations', and build a clean judicial firewall", which is divided into three links: big talk, youth talk, and competition.

Ding Xiaoming, the director of the Procuratorial Supervision Department of the Municipal Procuratorate, gave a lecture on the theme of "Learning and Implementing the Iron Rules and Prohibitions, Building a Clean Judicial Defense Line" to all police officers. In combination with typical cases, he explained in detail the specific content and significance of the "Ten Prohibitions" and "Three Regulations", and put forward specific requirements for young police officers to be honest, follow the inspection and keep the bottom line. Six young police officers combined their own work to exchange and share around the theme of the activity, fully demonstrating the generous and awe inspiring righteousness, the integrity of fair justice, and the rigorous and self-discipline of the young police officers of the Wuhu procuratorial organ in the new era.

In the competition and answer link, the police actively scrambled to answer and actively participated, and the scene atmosphere was warm.

The "Qinglan Reading Club" activity closely focused on the theme, running through the "three regulations", "ten prohibitions" and other system prohibitions, requiring young police officers to clarify the "red line" of thought and the "bottom line" of behavior, and to really take discipline and rules into consideration and implement them in action. The meeting called on young police officers to fully raise their awareness, adhere to the height of politics, adhere to the construction of discipline and style, buckle the first button of honest politics, go to the procuratorate with the "youth me" agreement, and build procuratorial loyalty with the "honest me".