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Hunan Federation of Trade Unions issued a notice on flood control and disaster relief, and allocated 3.7 million yuan to 14 cities and prefectures

Source: Hunan Daily
2024-06-29 08:10

Original title: Hunan Federation of Trade Unions issued a notice on flood control and disaster relief (quotation)

Give full play to the role of the staff and workers as the main force (theme)

Urgent allocation of 3.7 million yuan to 14 cities and prefectures (subtitle)

On June 28, Hunan Daily (full media reporter Peng Yahui) At present, flood control is overwhelming. Hunan trade unions at all levels acted quickly to mobilize and deploy to do a good job in flood control, disaster relief, care, condolences, labor protection and other work.

On the 27th, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions issued a notice calling on trade union organizations at all levels and the broad masses of workers to actively and orderly participate in flood prevention and disaster relief, work together to build a solid "dam" to protect their homes, and demonstrate "industrial strength" where the Party and the people need it most. On the 28th, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions urgently allocated 3.7 million yuan to 14 municipal and prefectural trade unions to carry out rescue and relief work. The funds were mainly used to carry out emergency relief, transitional life relief, and sympathy for disaster stricken workers, to help the severely affected enterprises and workers resume production and life.

Faced with the severe and complex situation of flood control and disaster relief, the provincial trade union organizations took an active part. At present, trade unions at all levels in the province have responded quickly, organized trade union cadres to visit the flood control and disaster relief front line to carry out condolences, sent consolation materials, labor protection supplies, etc. to the majority of workers fighting on the front line, strengthened psychological care and guidance, and actively assisted in solving problems such as dining, rest, night watch, etc; Organize the masses of staff and workers to participate in emergency duty, patrol and risk elimination, disaster relief, post disaster reconstruction, production recovery and other work.

The provincial federation of trade unions calls on trade union organizations at all levels in the province to play the role of a fighting fortress, give full play to the advantages of trade union organizations in widely contacting the masses of workers, mobilize the majority of trade union cadres and the masses of workers to participate in emergency duty, patrol and risk elimination, disaster relief, post disaster reconstruction, production recovery and other work, and effectively play the role of the main force of the working class.

At present, according to the needs of flood control and disaster relief work, all parts of the province are open to workers' cultural palaces, workers' clubs, drivers' homes and other staff service sites, so as to provide people with difficulties with help and services within their ability; Extend the opening hours of the labor union post station, timely supplement instant noodles, hot water, rain gear and conventional medical drugs, etc., and provide rest, shelter, flood prevention and temporary transit places for the masses of the people, including outdoor workers such as couriers, delivery agents, sanitation workers, etc.

The Provincial Federation of Trade Unions called on the trade union organizations at all levels of the province to fully perform the basic responsibility of "serving the staff and workers wholeheartedly", deploy the assistance and relief for the production and life of enterprises and workers affected by the flood in advance, carry out precise visits and condolences, and adhere to the principle that where there is disaster, where there are difficulties for the staff and workers, there is a "mother family" of the trade union; Educate and guide the relatives and friends of the staff and workers to pay attention to the weather in a timely manner, ensure personal and property safety, resolutely obey the command, take unified action, take the lead in implementing relevant regulations, and demonstrate the political responsibility and responsibility of the working class.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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