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Safety production month is long! "Mother's family" talks about safety, and employees learn emergency

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-20 15:55

This June is the 23rd national "Safe Production Month",

June 16 of each year is the "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day".

Recently, trade unions across the country have adopted various forms that are popular with workers and the masses,

Popularize safety production knowledge and explain disaster prevention and risk avoidance skills.

Come and see what wonderful activities are there with the editor ↓

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Shanxi Province

 Shanxi Kinematic Map

On June 16, the 2024 Shanxi Province "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activity was held in Jinyang Lake International Conference Center.

In order to carry out the "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activity, the provincial federation of trade unions has printed and distributed more than 40 and 1500 publicity materials, manuals, reading books, etc., including the interpretation of the key points of the new version of the fire law, the prevention of human errors in safety production, staff safety knowledge, safety production law trilogy, as well as electric vehicle safety knowledge closely related to daily life, student safety knowledge, etc. The provincial general manager also printed safety knowledge on playing cards, water cups, fans, mouse pads and other daily necessities, so that safety production knowledge can appear in the lives of the masses of workers at any time and anywhere, enhancing the safety production awareness of the masses of workers, and protecting the life and health rights of workers.

At the consultation activity site, the layout and logo of life passage of different types of buildings are displayed through different content of publicity display boards, building models or VR experience areas. In front of each information desk, professionals answer the questions of self-examination, self correction and repair of various life channels such as families, communities and workplaces.

Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province

 Ji'an dynamic diagram

In order to improve the people's awareness of safe production and emergency rescue ability, on June 15, Ji'an Federation of Trade Unions, Ji'an Emergency Bureau, Ji'an Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and other units in Ji'an County Xiexin Electronics (Ji'an) Co., Ltd. carried out the 2024 safety publicity and consultation day activity.

The activities are divided into publicity exhibition area, publicity consultation area, equipment exhibition area and emergency skills training area. Ji'an Federation of Trade Unions set up a publicity and consultation desk to publicize the Trade Union Law, the Guide to Enterprise Employment Standardization, the Guide to Civil Code and other knowledge to the workers who participated in the activity. According to statistics, more than 40 on-site questions were answered and more than 500 promotional materials were distributed.

At the end of the activity, a joint fire emergency evacuation drill was conducted to simulate the whole process of emergency disposal and evacuation of employees when a fire broke out in the workshop during normal production.

Anshan City, Liaoning Province

 Anshan dynamic map

On June 16, Anshan Federation of Trade Unions of Liaoning Province, together with relevant member units of the Municipal Safety Committee, held the safety publicity and consultation activities of "Safe Production Month" and "Safe Production Steel City" in Anshan in 2024 in Vientiane Huibei Square.

Jian Jiahe, the freestyle world champion, was invited to participate in the event. He and the municipal fire rescue detachment jointly announced and demonstrated safety knowledge with the theme of "key points of fire escape", demonstrated how to use fire extinguishers correctly, and interacted with the audience. At the activity site, Anshan emergency T-shirts were released for the first time and distributed to the masses to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in the on-site activities. At the same time, the popular science video of the month of safety production was broadcast, and the on-site staff explained and demonstrated the Heimlich first aid method and emergency handling of traffic accidents, and performed award-winning Q&A and disaster prevention and reduction programs on safety production related common sense.

It is reported that the Anshan Federation of Trade Unions has produced posters, theme leaflets, foldouts and other promotional materials according to the theme of this activity. In order to further enhance the participation of the broad masses of workers and staff, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions has also specially prepared a sunstroke fan with knowledge of enterprise safety production and common sense of residents' life safety, as well as a backpack and peeler with activity theme and logo.

Shaodong City, Hunan Province

 Shao Dong Motion Chart

On June 14, the Federation of Trade Unions of Shaodong City, Shaoyang, Hunan Province launched the 2024 "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activity.

The staff distributed safety production publicity materials to the passing citizens, explaining safety knowledge and emergency response skills. At the same time, the safety production consultation desk set up has attracted many citizens to stop for consultation. The staff patiently answer questions and provide professional and personalized safety guidance.

In addition, the professionals of Shaodong Flying Eagle Rescue Team demonstrated the fire-fighting equipment, showed the citizens how to use fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire-fighting equipment, and taught first-aid knowledge such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and Heimlich first aid on the spot. Citizens have come to watch and learn and actively participate in interaction.

Helingeer County, Inner Mongolia

 Helingeer County

On June 16, the 2024 "Safe Production Month" Publicity and Consultation Day, hosted by the Work Safety Committee of Helingeer County, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was held in Shengle Square. The Helinger County Federation of Trade Unions participated in the activity as a member unit.

At the activity site, the county fire rescue team introduced the types, use methods and precautions of fire-fighting equipment and emergency equipment in detail through physical display, simulated wearing and on-site explanation, comprehensively expounded the importance of unblocking the life passage and related legal responsibilities, and reminded the on-site people to pay attention to the hidden dangers around them and jointly maintain the safety of work and living environment. The County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau focused on the nationwide education and popularization of gas safety. The county traffic police brigade publicizes road traffic safety knowledge to the masses, and radiates road traffic safety knowledge to every family. As a member unit, the Helingeer County Federation of Trade Unions carried out safety publicity and education activities with industry characteristics in combination with the actual work of the unit, and further publicized and popularized safety knowledge in campus, fire protection, transportation, hazardous chemicals, construction, gas, commerce, tourism, special equipment and other aspects. The atmosphere at the activity site was warm, receiving more than 270 people for consultation, distributing more than 1900 publicity materials, and the departments linked and shared safety resources, pushing the "Safety Production Month" publicity and consultation day activity to a climax.

Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County, Hubei Province

 Wufeng County

On June 14, 19 units, including the Federation of Trade Unions of Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County, Yichang City, Hubei Province, the County Emergency Management Bureau, the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, the County Fire Rescue Brigade and so on, jointly carried out a work safety consultation day activity with the theme of "everyone talks about safety, everyone can respond to emergencies - unblocked life passage".

A publicity and consultation desk was set up at the activity site to provide consultation services such as safety policies and regulations, safety knowledge, etc. to the staff and the masses. The activity set up a question and answer about award-winning knowledge of safety production, which attracted many workers to participate. At the same time of knowing the knowledge of safety production, the staff and the masses also obtained creative products printed with safety knowledge, such as folding fans, environmental bags, sun umbrellas, which are loved by everyone. More than 500 popular science manuals on drowning prevention, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, electricity safety, gas safety and other knowledge were also distributed on the site.

Bishan District, Chongqing

 Bishan District

A few days ago, Bishan District of Chongqing held the launch ceremony of the Safety Publicity Consultation Day and the Safe Production Labor Skills Competition.

This activity was hosted by Bishan District Work Safety Committee and Bishan District Disaster Reduction Committee, and undertaken by Bishan District Emergency Management Bureau and Bishan District Federation of Trade Unions. At the launch ceremony, two emergency science commentators respectively explained how to deal with debris flow and the implementation of Heimlich first aid method, awarded honorary certificates to the winners of the "Safety in My Heart" emergency and safety series competitions, and arranged and deployed activities related to the safety production month.

At the event site, the member units of each safety committee arranged a publicity and consultation desk around the theme of "everyone talks about safety, everyone meets emergency -- unblocked life passage", and publicized the knowledge of production safety, traffic safety, fire safety, electricity and gas safety, disaster prevention and mitigation, and emergency avoidance to the passing masses. Bishan District Fire Rescue Detachment, District Blue Sky Rescue Team, etc. also displayed fire fighting equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles and other emergency rescue equipment, invited the masses to experience smoke escape experience warehouse and emergency escape 3D terrain simulation warehouse on the spot, and Bishan District Red Cross Society carried out cardiopulmonary resuscitation emergency rescue explanation training, etc.

(Text sorting: Liu Yingjie, China Industrial Network, Shanxi Workers' Daily, Taiyuan Evening News, Ji'an Federation of Trade Unions WeChat public account, Anshan Federation of Trade Unions WeChat public account, Shaodong Federation of Trade Unions WeChat public account, Workers' Daily client)

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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