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Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Trade Union Helps the Establishment Project of the Free Trade Zone to Build a Beautiful Port in Northern Xinjiang Trade Union Promotion Conference Held

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-17 16:41

Original title: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Trade Union Helps the Free Trade Zone Construction Project to Build a Beautiful Port in Northern Xinjiang Trade Union Promotion Conference Held

Worker's Daily - reporter Li Yubo from China Industrial Network

From June 13 to 14, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions held a regional trade union promotion meeting in Hulunbeier City to help build a bright port in northern Xinjiang.


Since this year, the party group of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions has closely focused on the central task of the autonomous region in running two major events and implementing the "six projects", with the help of the development of new quality productivity as the traction, issued documents such as 10 measures to organize and mobilize workers to play a major role in the construction of the "two rare earth bases", Continuously held the regional trade union promotion meeting for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, the on-site promotion meeting for the warm project action, the promotion meeting for the special labor and skills competition for "cultivating new quality productivity and building a new energy system", and extensively carried out the labor competition for sand control and wind power photovoltaic integration projects, "three north" A series of activities, such as construction project labor competition, strongly demonstrate the responsibility of trade union organizations.

The meeting pointed out that as one of the "six projects", the construction project of the Free Trade Zone is a "bull nose" that leads the opening and development of the whole region. Trade unions at all levels should further build beautiful port trade unions in northern Xinjiang, actively explore the form of building trade unions to adapt to the characteristics of border guards, continue to stimulate the vitality of port trade unions, and truly build grassroots trade unions into trustworthy, reliable and inseparable service positions for border guards. We should jointly shoulder the new responsibility of helping to create the free trade zone by doing a good job in safeguarding rights, serving employees, building harmonious labor relations, maintaining the stability of the workforce, etc; We should work together to create new achievements in helping the Free Trade Zone to create port trade unions by improving trade union organizations, improving trade union systems, strengthening member management, and improving the construction of workers' homes; It is necessary to find the connection point between the work of the trade union and the central work of the Party Committee, do everything possible to mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the broad masses of workers and staff to help the construction project of the free trade zone, and jointly launch the acceleration key to help the free trade zone create trade unions.

The meeting stressed that trade unions at all levels should adhere to overall planning and strengthen top-level design in a high position. Pay attention to the use of digital and intelligent means to strengthen the construction of smart trade unions. To explore and implement the project system as a way for the trade union to assist in the establishment of the free trade zone; Adhere to comprehensive efforts and build a working pattern in a wide range of fields. Firmly establish the idea of a game of chess, actively connect with superiors, pay attention to the interaction between the trade union and the local industry, and strive for support from all aspects. Make full use of the joint meeting system between the government and trade unions at the same level, the tripartite mechanism of labor relations and other resources and means to create favorable conditions for trade unions to help the establishment of free trade zones; Adhere to practical results and strengthen measures to ensure the implementation of work. Through deepening the work of labor union cadres to go to the grass-roots level and "mass organizations to do practical things", the labor union's human, financial and material resources will be pushed to sink to the port trade union and other basic trade unions in the free trade zone, so as to do practical things and solve problems for the grass-roots level. Timely publicize and report the progress, achievements and typical experience of local trade unions in assisting the establishment of free trade zones, and provide trade union experience for building an important bridgehead for China's opening to the north.

At the meeting, heads of 7 units, including Hulunbeier Federation of Trade Unions, Xilingol League Trade Union, Bayannur Federation of Trade Unions, Manzhouli Federation of Trade Unions, Arshan Federation of Trade Unions, Erenhot Port Trade Union Federation, and Zeke Port Economic Development Zone Trade Union Committee, made exchange speeches. The participants also observed the Manzhouli Port, the Azhar Saudi Port in the New Balhu Right Banner, and the Ebuduke Port in the New Balhu Left Banner.

Party group secretaries and heads of relevant departments of trade unions in all leagues and cities, heads of relevant departments of the Federation of Trade Unions in autonomous regions, heads of trade unions in border flags and counties, and heads of port trade unions attended the meeting.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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