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Studying Intangible Cultural Heritage Skills and Inheriting Craftsman Spirit

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-17 08:42

Original Title: Studying Intangible Cultural Heritage Skills to Inherit Craftsman Spirit

Worker's Daily - China Industrial Network reporter Mao Yongxi Correspondent Zhu Pan

On the afternoon of June 14, the Federation of Trade Unions of Yanta District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, in conjunction with the Federation of Trade Unions of Qujiang New Area, held a special research activity of "studying intangible cultural heritage skills and inheriting craftsmanship spirit" in Datang Furong Park. About 40 people from the two districts, including model workers at all levels, May Day labor medal winners, representatives of vocational skill leaders and "Yanta Craftsmen", attended the event.

On the same day, at the Dongcang drum music performance site, 40 model workers and craftsmen representatives watched the immersive stage play "Drum", the court Yan music of the Tang Dynasty. Qi Xingfeng, the eighth generation inheritor of Dongcang Drum Music, was also invited to tell a touching story about the musicians of Dongcang Drum Music Club who "choose one thing and end their lives" to inherit intangible cultural heritage. Later, Qi Xingfeng led the representatives of model workers to get to know, learn to sing and copy the Gongchi spectrum, so that everyone could feel the "voice of the Tang Dynasty". Finally, representatives of model workers also jointly studied the culture of the Tang Dynasty and watched the architecture of the Tang Dynasty.

"This research is rich and wonderful, which makes me deeply feel the profound cultural heritage of Xi'an. As a leader of vocational skills, I will continue to inherit the excellent traditional culture of China, and further promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship." said Xu Xiangying, the leader of vocational skills in Xi'an.

Zhang Miaomiao, deputy director of the Standing Committee of Yanta District People's Congress and chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, said that he hoped that through this research activity, the majority of model workers would further stimulate their strong spiritual power and enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship to forge ahead in a new era and a new journey, and strive to be the responsible person, innovation creator and publicity promoter for the development of Xi'an in the future work, Make new and greater contributions to the economic and social development of Xi'an.

Editor in charge: Chen Lihui

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