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Jingxian County, Hebei Province Promotes the Quality Improvement and Upgrading of Rubber and Plastic Industry -- Rubber and Plastic Pipes Put on "Innovation Clothes"

Source: Economic Daily
2024-06-16 13:15

Original title: Promoting the upgrading of rubber and plastic industry in Jingxian County, Hebei Province (introduction)

Rubber and plastic pipes put on "innovative clothes" (theme)

Economic Daily reporter Wang Shengqiang

When the machine runs at full speed, the inner core cylinders of white rubber tubes put on "reinforcement clothes" and "black jackets" in the rotating room, turning into coiled reinforced composite continuous pipes. This is the scene in the production workshop of Hebei Yutong Special Hose Co., Ltd. located in Jing County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province. "This coiled reinforced composite coiled tubing production technology was jointly developed by the company and several scientific research institutes, such as the China Petroleum Engineering Materials Research Institute and Tianjin University, which can effectively improve the compression resistance and flexibility of rubber hose." Zhao Cong, general manager of the company, said that the company currently has 10 national proprietary products, and participated in drafting 10 national standards and 2 industrial standards, It was rated as a national specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprise.

Rubber and plastic industry is one of the traditional characteristic industries of Jingxian County, which started in the early 1970s. At the beginning, it mainly engaged in rubber hose renovation and production of seals. In 2007, it was rated as "China (Jingzhou) Rubber and Plastic Pipe Industry Base" by China Rubber Industry Association. In 2023, Jingxian Rubber and Plastic Pipe Industry Cluster was selected into the national SME characteristic industry cluster. At present, the county has more than 2000 rubber and plastic production enterprises, whose products cover more than 1000 varieties in 17 categories, including rubber and plastic pipes, seals, engineering rubber, nylon products, etc., and are widely used in machinery, petroleum, chemical, mining, automobile, metallurgy and many other fields.

Jingxian rubber and plastic industry is also facing problems such as product homogenization and weak independent research and development ability in its development. In order to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency, Jingxian adheres to innovation driven. "We have increased capital investment and policy support, formulated and issued the implementation opinions on making the rubber and plastic products industry bigger and stronger, and set up a special fund of more than 60 million yuan to support rubber and plastic enterprises to carry out projects, seek research and development, engage in innovation, promote transformation, and create brands, and promote the rubber and plastic products industry to move forward from the middle and low end to the middle and high end," said Jiang Ping, director of Jingxian Industry and Information Technology Bureau.

In the inspection workshop of Jingxian Zebang Plastic Technology Co., Ltd., a 10 meter long and 2 meter outer diameter marine floating tubing is undergoing tensile, torsional and other performance tests. After passing the tests, it will be transported to Brazil for offshore oil exploitation. "The marine environment is complex, and oil and gas transmission has always been a problem that restricts the development of offshore oil. The company has invested tens of millions of yuan in scientific research, spent eight years, and gone through hundreds of tests. The product finally passed the explosion test of 600 mm marine floating oil transmission hose, which conforms to relevant international standards, and has the advantages of short delivery time, low price, convenient maintenance, etc., and has successfully entered the international market." Li Zhongli, general manager of Zebang Company, said.

Innovation is inseparable from talent support. Liu Mingjian, Director of Jingxian Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, introduced that Jingxian implements the strategy of "strengthening the county with talents". On the basis of fully understanding the scientific and technological innovation and talent needs of enterprises, Jingxian focuses on the implementation of "post doctoral gathering and empowerment action", promotes enterprises to build post doctoral innovation practice bases and innovation studios, and guides high-end talents to participate in enterprise new product research and development and project construction, More than 20 high-end professionals have been introduced.

Gao Laisheng, director of Jingxian Science and Technology Bureau, said that Jingxian strives to build a county level scientific and technological innovation system oriented by the market, dominated by enterprises and supported by the government, and has built a number of scientific and technological service platforms, including a national rubber and plastic product testing center and a provincial research and development center. Rewards and subsidies will be given to the recognition of scientific and technological enterprises, new R&D investment, creation of innovation platforms, and introduction and cultivation of scientific and technological talents, so as to stimulate the innovation vitality and endogenous development momentum of enterprises with real gold and silver. At present, 98 enterprises in the county have established technical cooperation relationships with more than 40 domestic colleges and universities, and 64 enterprise research and development centers have been established.

Up to now, Jingxian rubber and plastic industry has 43 national high-tech enterprises, 627 national and provincial technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, 81 rubber and plastic enterprises above designated size, and 2 enterprises have been selected as national specialized, special and new "Little Giant" enterprises. It has won 4 well-known trademarks in China, and 6 enterprises have been rated as "Top 10 Enterprises of Rubber Hose in China". The domestic market share of hydraulic reinforced hose in the county has reached more than 40%, with an annual output of more than 600 million standard meters of various rubber hoses, accounting for more than 15% of the national output. In 2023, Jingxian rubber and plastic industry will achieve sales revenue of 39.48 billion yuan, and the sales revenue in the first quarter of this year will reach 9.05 billion yuan.

"Next, our county will continue to implement the innovation driven development strategy, strengthen the three major platforms of park construction, scientific and technological innovation and information service, encourage and guide rubber and plastic enterprises to increase investment, launch projects, seek innovation, and build brands, effectively improve the industrial level and market competitiveness, and strive to break through 50 billion yuan of rubber and plastic industry revenue by 2025," said Li Jinghui, secretary of Jingxian County Party Committee.

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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