Zhonggong Entertainment

Big hand holding small hand, happiness moving forward

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-16 09:23

Original title: big hand holding small hand, happiness moving forward

In the long-term development, Shuanglong Coal Industry of Huangling Mining insists on actively fulfilling its social responsibilities and has forged a very deep friendship with the residents.

Entering the staff canteen of the mine, Shi Junxia, a villager from Shuangjie Village, Shuanglong Town, is busy with the coming dinner. Her clean and tidy work clothes and warm and thoughtful service all show her professionalism as a restaurant service staff. Many years ago, she was an ordinary villager living at home.

"My home is nearby, so commuting is very convenient. I have a fixed income every month, and my life is getting happier and happier." Shi Junxia said with a smile.

A few years ago, Shi Junxia went to work through the employment poverty alleviation of the mine. Years of work also helped her to become a "novice" and become a capable business backbone of the staff restaurant. The stable income also brought great changes to her life. It is understood that for many years in a row, the mine has given priority to opening some posts to residents, solved the employment problem for more than 10 qualified villagers, and helped residents to lead a better and richer life.

In the face of natural disasters and basic security, the mine actively takes the initiative first, gives full play to its collective advantages in time, and strives to ensure the basic life of the residents.

"There was a flood that year, but for the timely help of the mine, my shop would have been flooded." Recalling the scene a few years ago, Mr. Cai, a self-employed man in Shuanglong Street, said with emotion.

In the autumn of 2021, Ziwuling Mountain will encounter the heavy rainfall once in a century, and the low-lying area outside the mining area will have serious ponding. At the critical time, the mine will organize personnel and equipment to timely drain the ponding in the low-lying area, eliminating potential safety hazards, and ensuring the property safety of nearby people in the face of natural disasters. In recent years, when the mine has achieved excellent development results, it has always adhered to the principle of "small hands holding big hands", actively walked into the residents, sent professionals to the kindergarten in Shuanglong Town for many times to open public welfare classes, invited more than 100 teachers and students of the kindergarten to visit the mine, and sent them more than 100 sets of learning tools.

In recent years, the mine has successively completed the repair of the Ju River Bridge, making better use of some people's farmland in the south of the bridge, and completing the governance of the Ju River channel, so that people no longer have to worry about the flood during the rainy season, so that the part of the farmland that was almost abandoned on the riverside shows vitality again. In addition, in combination with the construction of green mines, the mine has innovated its working ideas, invited experienced people into the mine area to jointly develop the cultivation of undergrowth fungi and Chinese bee breeding and actively promote them in the resident area, provided free technical assistance to nearby villagers, effectively broadened the local people's economic development ideas, and made every effort to make the people's lives more happy and healthy.

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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