Zhonggong Entertainment

Holding public benefit classes to empower "her"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-14 08:37

On June 12, the Labor Union of Jinan Public Transport Group held a public welfare class of "Smart Women · Healthy Families". More than 100 female employees from various grass-roots units participated in the activity.

"When washing clothes, you should soak them in water for a period of time. The dirt on the clothes can penetrate into the water within ten minutes. At this time, the washing effect is best. However, if you soak for a long time, the dirt in the water will be absorbed by the fiber, and the clothes will be dirty again, so it is better not to soak them for a long time." Xue Lian, a public welfare lecturer, explained.


On June 12, the trade union of Jinan Public Transport Group held a public welfare class of caring for women workers. The picture shows the classroom scene. Courtesy of Jinan Public Transport Group Labor Union

In the lecture activity, Xue Lian, a public welfare lecturer of the Smart Women Project, explained the tips for women's clothing care and household cleaning; Zhang Bohua, a visiting professor from the Institute of Clinical Basic Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave a lecture on the psychological health adjustment of women in the public transportation system. Zhang Bohua mentioned in his explanation that female drivers must balance work and life, better understand themselves, care for themselves, and accept themselves, so as to become happy women. "For example, we need to communicate well with passengers during driving to do a good job of happy work and attentive service; after working outside for a day, we can sit down at home and talk with our families about our troubles, instead of blaming and cold violence, we should learn to release ourselves and be considerate of each other," said Zhang Bohua.

During the lecture, everyone also actively interacted with the teacher, and the atmosphere was harmonious. Through learning, women workers have enriched their knowledge of household cleaning and had a deep understanding of their own mental health. Everyone said that the teaching content was very helpful for daily life. In the future, they would integrate the knowledge they learned into their work and life, constantly improve the quality of life, and establish a good image of women. (Dong Yujie, Ge Hongpu)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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