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What is the benefit of continuous growth of unpaid blood donation for more than 20 years in China?

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-06-14 08:28

Original title: What is the benefit of continuous growth of unpaid blood donation in China for more than 20 years?

June 14 is World Blood Donor Day. According to the statistics of the National Health Commission, the number of unpaid blood donations and blood donations in China has been growing for more than 20 years. The blood donation rate of 1000 people has risen from 4.8 in 1998 to 12.2 in 2023. The total amount of unpaid blood donation, the number of blood donations, and the level of blood safety are among the top in the world.

In 2023, the number and total amount of unpaid blood donation in China will increase by 5.9% and 4.8% respectively compared with 2022. On the eve of World Blood Donor Day, volunteers from all over the world enthusiastically donated blood and cheered for life with love.

On June 13, 70 employees of China Central Radio and Television Station actively participated in voluntary blood donation. On the same day, the Beijing Red Cross Blood Center Central Radio and Television Station Public Welfare Blood Donation Volunteer Service Branch was established. It is understood that the employees of China Central Radio and Television Station actively sign up for voluntary blood donation every year. Many of the employees who donated blood this year participated in voluntary blood donation for many times.

Zhao Yuxin, the host of the Morning Program Department of the News Center of China Central Radio and Television This is my second time to donate blood. I think blood donation can help other people. I think this is a very happy thing.

At the blood donation center of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital, medical staff, patients' families and community residents actively participated in free blood donation. Hao Yinqi, a hospital worker, has donated blood for the 28th time.

Hao Yinqi, an employee of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital: This is the blood donation certificate that I began to donate blood in 1998. At that time, the country began to advocate free blood donation, and I began to donate blood. This was the first time on December 21, 1998. I donated blood every year after that.

The lady took many buses to the scene to donate blood.

Luo Lan, a resident of Wenjiang District, Chengdu: I lost about 5000 ml of blood due to massive bleeding in hospital after giving birth. Maybe this 5000 ml of blood was helped by nearly twenty or thirty people, which gave me hope of rebirth. Thank these blood donors very much. I heard that there are blood donation activities today. I want to participate in these activities and pass on my love.

Tang Hongmei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital: Our medical staff are also actively participating in unpaid blood donation. In our hospital, 630 employees have participated in unpaid blood donation in the past three years.

Common sense of unpaid blood donation

How much do you know about unpaid blood donation? Let's answer one by one through the following short film ↓↓↓

Is blood donation harmful to health?

The total blood volume of the normal human body accounts for about 8% of the body weight. A person with a weight of 50kg has about 4000ml of blood. The blood that really participates in circulation only accounts for 70% - 80% of the total body blood volume, and the rest is stored in "human blood banks" such as liver and spleen. When the human body loses blood, the stored blood will be released and replenished at any time. After blood donation, the lost water and inorganic salts are replenished by the infiltration of tissue fluid into blood vessels within 1-2 hours; The lost plasma protein is supplemented by the accelerated synthesis of the liver. Blood donation will stimulate the hematopoietic function of the human body and promote blood metabolism.

One time blood donation 200ml

Or 400 milliliters?

According to the Blood Donation Law of the People's Republic of China, the amount of blood collected by blood stations for blood donors each time is generally 200 ml, but not more than 400 ml. A blood donation of 200ml is less than 5% of the total blood in the body. Due to the small amount, it does not touch the neuroendocrine regulation system in the body. If you donate 400 ml of blood at a time, you will be able to touch the regulating system in the body, promote the release of blood temporarily stored in the liver, spleen and other organs to participate in blood circulation, stimulate the hematopoietic function of bone marrow, and promote the regeneration of fresh blood.

What should be paid attention to before and after blood donation?

When donating blood, you need to bring your valid ID card so as to establish a free blood donation file for you, and provide a basis for you and your family to use blood and apply for reimbursement according to regulations in the future. Try to eat light food before blood donation to avoid empty blood donation. Avoid bending and squatting immediately after blood donation, and do not take strenuous exercise and work hard within 24 hours.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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