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Wuhu builds an exchange platform to light up students' "ingenuity" in interaction

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-06-14 07:54

Original title: Wuhu City builds an exchange platform between young students and model workers, and sets up the concept of glorious labor and powerful skills - (introduction)

Light up students' "ingenuity" in interaction (theme)

Worker's Daily - reporter of China Industrial Network Chen Hua Correspondent Kang Li

"What qualities should you have if you want to become a skilled person and backbone of your position?"

"As a doctor of engineering, why do you choose to enter a traditional manufacturing enterprise?"


On June 5, in the College of International Engineers of Anhui University of Engineering, we listened to the speech of "big shots" in the workplace. College students who are about to enter the workplace can't wait to learn from them.

On the same day, the 2024 "Youth" Dialogue "Model Worker" (graduation season) activity jointly organized by Anhui University of Engineering, the Publicity Department of Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and Wuhu Federation of Trade Unions was held. Four model workers from Wuhu City had face-to-face communication with college students who were about to leave campus. Many students believe that this is a rare labor education class before leaving school, which is not only timely, but also very necessary.

Share "Unforgettable Experience"

What will you encounter when you first enter the workplace? This is the most concerned problem of many students.

Jiang Bei, winner of the May 1st Labor Medal in Anhui Province and manager of the General Assembly Department of Wuhu Jiaxian Transmission Shaft Co., Ltd., shared an experience when he first went to work.

On that day, the parts that the supplier should have delivered at noon were delayed to 6:00 p.m. for some reason. Jiang Bei was a newcomer. He didn't notice the situation and left work on time in the afternoon. The next day when he went to work, he realized that all his colleagues had worked overtime all night so that he could deliver the goods to the customer on time that day.

"I was touched by this," said Jiang Bei. At present, Jiang Bei has 15 years of working experience, during which he has constantly helped enterprises solve production problems and saved costs for enterprises. "There is a long way to go between 'advanced' and 'backward', depending on how you grasp it." Jiang Bei's classmates shared.

In the view of model workers, no one can casually succeed, and the secret of success in the workplace is "withstanding hardships and loneliness".

Dong Xiumei, the national May 1st women's pacesetter and vice chairman of the trade union of Anhui Conch and Kawasaki Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., was young and energetic when she graduated from college 20 years ago. She always thought that she could show her skills, but she almost "stumbled" in the simplest matter of binding materials. She used this experience to educate young students "not to aim too high, but to aim too high.".

Draw strength from examples

"Now young people like to change jobs, but you have worked in an enterprise for more than ten years. What makes you stay here?" "How can we better apply the professional knowledge we learned in school to practical work?"...... The growth story shared by model workers on the spot conveys a working attitude of steadfastness, hard work and innovation, It has brought direct inspiration and education to students who are about to enter the workplace. Students seized the opportunity to ask model workers' representatives questions one after another, hoping to draw strength from their models.

Focusing on a series of issues such as the application of professional knowledge, integration of enterprise life, and coping with workplace difficulties, four model workers gave specific suggestions based on their own growth experience, and encouraged young students to start from the most basic things in a down-to-earth manner.

"I always firmly believe that there are more ways than difficulties, and the key is whether we want to overcome them." Xu Caimin, a national youth position expert, winner of the May 1st Labor Medal in Anhui Province, and head of the manufacturing section of Wuhu Eketec Power Assembly Co., Ltd., is a post-90s manufacturing worker. He admonishes the graduating junior brothers and sisters as "big brother".

As a post-90s metallurgy doctor, Wei Ruirui, one of the top ten outstanding young people in Wuhu City and the deputy director of the ironmaking department of Wuhu Xinxing Cast Pipe Co., Ltd., told students why they chose to work in traditional manufacturing enterprises "In the traditional manufacturing industry, people mainly rely on experience to produce, and there is a lack of theory, but this is my strong point, so what I learned here has a great application."

Light up young people's "ingenuity"

"Youth" Dialogue "Model Worker" is one of the series activities of "Model Worker and Craftsman Entering Campus" in Wuhu City, which has been held since April 2023. This activity is usually carried out in the graduation season and the opening season of colleges and universities. The Wuhu General Assembly, together with relevant units, organizes a close dialogue and interaction between Wuhu model worker and craftsman representatives and college students to enhance their understanding of model worker spirit, labor spirit and craftsman spirit.

"As a characteristic engineering college in Wuhu, Anhui University of Engineering has a large number of graduates going to the forefront of Wuhu's manufacturing industry every year. On the eve of graduation, we set up an exchange platform between young talents and model workers in the manufacturing industry, and passed on the "spiritual core" displayed by advanced figures. It is hoped that college students can learn nutrition from it, enhance employment confidence, and establish the concept of glorious labor and powerful skills. " Wuhu Federation of Trade Unions said.

At the activity site, Ji Yuting, a teacher from the College of Marxism, Anhui University of Engineering, launched an ideological and political course with the theme of "carrying forward the 'three spirits' and developing new quality productivity". Ji Yuting believes that integrating new quality productivity into the whole process of ideological and political education is an important topic of ideological and political education in colleges and universities today. As the "source of students" of industrial workers and skilled talents, engineering colleges should play a greater role in forging the vanguard force of the new era.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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