Zhonggong Entertainment

Xinyang Federation of Trade Unions launched the activity of "Trade Unions send cool, prevent heatstroke and ensure health"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-13 15:23

In the face of hot summer weather, in order to effectively safeguard the safety and health rights and interests of workers working at high temperatures and new forms of employment, on June 11, Xinyang City Federation of Trade Unions in Henan Province launched the 2024 "Trade Unions send cool, prevent heatstroke and ensure health" activity.


On June 11, the 2024 "Labor Union delivers cool air, heatstroke prevention and health protection" activity of Xinyang City Federation of Trade Unions in Henan Province was launched at the community construction site in the bright future. Drawing provided by Xinyang Federation of Trade Unions

At the activity site, the visiting group sent a large gift package containing cool drinks, towels, toilet water, soap and other heatstroke prevention items to the staff, paid tribute to their labor and creativity, and urged them to pay more attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling in their work and do their own safety protection.

In the next step, Xinyang Federation of Trade Unions will continue to focus on the working and living conditions of workers under high temperature conditions, go deep into factories and mining enterprises, workshop teams and construction sites, assist and urge employers to establish and improve measures to prevent heatstroke, and carry out "cool off" activities focusing on workers in transportation, logistics, construction, sanitation and other industries and new forms of employment according to local conditions, Propagate occupational health and heatstroke prevention knowledge, improve the self-protection ability of employees, and ensure that employees spend summer safely. (Chen Mengyu)

Editor in charge: Yin Wenzhuo

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