Zhonggong Entertainment

Chengyang District, Qingdao: Enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival in midsummer

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-12 21:03

Recently, the Dragon Boat Festival themed activity "Enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival in midsummer", sponsored by the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao City, Shandong Province and organized by the Workers' Cultural Palace of Chengyang District, was held in the Tian'an Digital City Investment Promotion Center. The activity attracted more than 20 groups of families and more than 50 people from the trade unions of the district's organs, enterprises and institutions to participate in, and unlocked the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in a fun way.

The activity took the Dragon Boat Festival folk custom as the theme, and elaborately prepared a series of interactive games. The on-site staff and their children, dressed in traditional clothes, came to the lucky signing point to punch in and draw the Dragon Boat Festival sign. The teacher used realgar cinnabar to draw the forehead for everyone, and tied a beautiful five color rope. One used realgar to drive away poison, and the other used colored rope to get lucky.

"Shooting Five Poisons" is a remarkable traditional game on the scene. Children draw their bows and arrows to shoot at the "Five Poisons" on the board in front, which means to strengthen the body, be safe and smooth.


On June 8, the theme activity of the Dragon Boat Festival, "Enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival in midsummer", sponsored by the Qingdao Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions and organized by the Chengyang District Workers' Cultural Palace, was held in the Tian'an Digital City Investment Promotion Center. Courtesy of Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions

The ritual music throwing pot and fun fishing for zongzi add a full sense of ritual to the festival. In the wormwood hand work area, children, under the guidance of their teachers, wrapped wormwood flowers with wormwood and calamus leaves. In the question and answer session of traditional cultural knowledge, the teacher asked the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and its traditional customs in the form of award-winning knowledge contest. The children actively scrambled to answer, enjoying the charm of the Dragon Boat Festival and the fun of traditional customs.

This activity not only provides a platform for employees to accompany their children, enhances the emotional exchange between parents and children, but also enables employees and their children to have a further understanding and understanding of Chinese traditional folk culture, feel the fun and charm of traditional culture, and deepen their sense of identity and pride in traditional culture.

In the next step, the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out more cultural activities in various forms and with rich contents, do a good job of "mothering" for the staff and workers, and constantly improve the sense of belonging, acquisition and happiness of the staff and workers. (Wang Wei, Li Ran)

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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