Zhonggong Entertainment

BYD Qin L DM-i held the vehicle delivery ceremony for 10000 people

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-12 14:01

Original title: BYD Qin L DM-i held a car delivery ceremony for 10000 people

Worker's Daily - reporter Che Hui of China Industrial Network

On June 6, the opening ceremony of QinL DM-i's 10000 person car delivery and mass testing was held at BYD's Shenzhen headquarters. Many car owners' representatives came to the scene and linked with BYD 4S stores all over the country, pushing the national delivery of QinL DM-i to a new climax. Release means mass production, and launch means delivery.

In addition, in the near future, Qin L will also launch the "National Public Test of Industrial Miracle Qin L" activity on Tiaoyin, inviting users to share relevant videos of Qin L, such as clocking in stores, test drive experience, car collection experience, fuel consumption measurement, etc.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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