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Hebei Wuyi County Federation of Trade Unions: "Trade Union Posthouse" adds new momentum to health

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-12 16:36

"I went to the 'Health House' for several consecutive measurements these days, and after more than two weeks of medication control and conditioning, my blood pressure dropped from 150 to more than 130 points, feeling more relieved." Recently, Wang Xichun, a worker of the Trade Union of Wuyi County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, added a new "Health House" in the "Trade Union Posthouse", He said happily after finding that his hypertension was reduced through the independent health testing service.

In order to facilitate the staff to prevent chronic diseases in advance, understand their physical conditions, and promote the staff to develop healthy and civilized living habits, Wuyi County Federation of Trade Unions has recently added a new "Health House" in the "Trade Union Posthouse" of the County Federation of Trade Unions. Through the free provision of blood pressure meter, height and weight meter, waist circumference gauge, wall mounted BMI gauge and other detection equipment in the "health cabin", as well as the online and offline health knowledge publicity and the organization of free physical examination activities for employees, the staff are guided to actively practice the concept of "three reductions and three health" in their daily life, and advocate reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction for residents, Cultivating a healthy lifestyle has provided good services for healthy workers, healthy enterprises and healthy cities, and is welcomed and praised by grassroots trade unions and front-line workers.

It is understood that the requirements for the construction of the "Health House": the construction site should give priority to a place with convenient location, independent space and convenient participation of employees; Health monitoring equipment such as blood pressure and weight shall be equipped, and basic health guidance or suggestions shall be provided to meet national standards; The equipment shall be maintained and managed by full-time or part-time personnel, who can provide health consultation and personalized health guidance; Publicity and physical examination activities shall be organized, publicity materials shall be changed regularly, and physical examination activities for employees shall be carried out.

"Some small and micro enterprises lack a mechanism to pay regular attention to the health status of employees. If employees do not go to the inspection themselves, they are likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as cardio cerebrovascular diseases, which is also likely to lead to hidden dangers in production safety of enterprises." The relevant person in charge of Wuyi County Federation of Trade Unions said that the County Federation of Trade Unions added a "health cabin" in the convenient "trade union post", It can not only effectively avoid the occurrence of unproductive sudden disease accidents of workers, but also improve the level of labor union service for workers.

Liu Xiaohui, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive vice chairman of Wuyi County Federation of Trade Unions, said that the "Health House" can provide workers with comprehensive and full cycle health management and one-stop health services, and help workers quickly enjoy real quality medical services. In the next step, the County Federation of Trade Unions should adhere to the staff as the center, promote staff services such as "health cabin" and health campaign, guide staff to establish a correct view of health, improve staff health literacy, and optimize staff health environment.

(Li Hao, reporter of Hebei Workers Daily, male correspondent Liu Linlin)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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