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Tianjin Nankai District Federation of Trade Unions launched free physical examination for employees

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-30 10:28

A few days ago, the Tianjin Nankai District Federation of Trade Unions carried out free physical examination activities for employees, and sent trade union services to front-line migrant workers and new employment workers in difficult living conditions, "hard, dirty and dangerous" positions within the jurisdiction.

Before the free physical examination activity, the Nankai District Federation of Trade Unions went deep into the grassroots trade unions to conduct research and rehearsal, and formulated a detailed work plan according to the actual needs. According to the different work natures of migrant workers and newly employed workers, different service strategies are adopted, such as mobile medical examination vehicles entering the construction site and medical examination personnel arranging their own time to go to designated medical institutions for medical examination, to effectively facilitate medical examination personnel. The physical examination items are more comprehensive, including ECG, color ultrasound, chest DR, blood biochemistry, tumor markers and other examination items. The physical examination information is more instructive and practical. It is reported that this year, the Nankai District Federation of Trade Unions plans to provide free physical examination services for no less than 700 people. So far, more than 300 people have completed free physical examination.

The person in charge of the Nankai District Federation of Trade Unions said that, as a popular project, the District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to implement free physical examination for employees, continue to deepen the care and care of employees, strengthen the service guarantee for difficult workers, migrant workers and workers in new employment forms, and strive to solve the urgent problems of workers.

Tianjin Workers Daily reporter Li Rubin

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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