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Zhangye Gaotai County Federation of Trade Unions: build a "wish wall" in the post station to collect "micro wishes"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-28 15:01

"I want to give my daughter a copy of" One Hundred Thousand Whys "" It is suggested to increase paper cups as the weather warms up "... Recently, I walked into the outdoor labor station of Gaotai Labor Union in Zhangye City, Gansu Province, and was attracted by a wish wall, which was covered with small notes with" blessings "," wishes "," suggestions "and other contents.

"When we eat and rest here, we will write down what we want to say and our small wishes." An elder sister of the sanitation worker said that she often went to the trade union station to rest with her fellow workers.

Hungry? The delivery boy wrote: "When summer comes, I hope the trade union can provide sunscreen ice sleeves to help us block ultraviolet rays. When the rainy season comes, I hope some raincoats can be provided..." The truck driver wrote: "I hope the trade union can organize some cultural and sports activities to enrich our cultural life, and continue to carry out physical examination and mental health counseling activities..."

Gaotai County Federation of Trade Unions highlights the characteristics of "one station, one activity, one place", focuses on the actual needs of the masses of workers, sets up a wish wall and message board in combination with the location of the outdoor workers' post station site, unblocks the channels for the expression of the demands of the masses of workers, and aims to meet the employees' micro wishes, carry out differentiated and personalized services, and increase the happiness of outdoor workers. The County Federation of Trade Unions will sort out and summarize the wishes of the "wish wall", formulate a timetable for realizing the dream, continue to use warm and warm inclusive services and condolences to help, so that the majority of workers and the masses can truly feel the caring of "mom and family" and find a sense of belonging and happiness at home.

(Gansu Workers Daily Zhao Yueyue Wu Caihua)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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