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Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions issued a notice: do a solid job in the "safe production month" of the provincial trade union system

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-27 09:29

On May 24, the Office of the Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions issued a notice requiring the trade unions of all cities (prefectures), provincial industry (bureaus) and enterprise groups (companies) to do a good job in the work of the "Safe Production Month" of the trade union system of Sichuan Province in accordance with the national and provincial requirements for the "Safe Production Month" in 2024.

This June is the 23rd national "Safe Production Month", with the theme of "everyone talks about safety, everyone meets emergency - unblocked life passage". June 16 is the national "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day". As required, trade unions at all levels should focus on strengthening the effectiveness of activities, and actively participate in the launch of "Safe Production Month", "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" and other activities. By setting up a publicity information desk, making publicity display boards, distributing publicity materials and promotional materials and other forms, the safety science popularization work is well done, and the knowledge of safety production is comprehensively and comprehensively publicized to the staff and workers. At the same time, focus on the theme of "unblocking the passage of life" to carry out "four ones" activities. Carry out a special study on safety production to improve the theoretical level and professional quality of the majority of trade union workers; Carry out a safety production warning education, organize employees to watch warning educational films such as "Responsibility for Safety Production is on the Shoulder", and educate and guide employees to learn from cases; Carry out a troubleshooting of hidden dangers in production safety, eliminate all kinds of problems such as occupying, blocking, and closing fire passages, evacuation stairs, and safety exits, and strengthen the awareness of not occupying or blocking life passages; Carry out an emergency evacuation drill to enhance the ability of employees to avoid risks in response to emergencies.

We will promote mass work safety as a whole. Actively mobilize employees to participate in the second phase of the province's "Ankang Cup" online knowledge contest in 2024, which will cover all kinds of employee groups to the maximum extent. In combination with the work safety mass supervision and work safety warning education "entering the park" and "entering the enterprise" activities carried out by the provincial trade unions, strengthen the quality and efficiency of work safety supervision and inspection by the trade unions, and promote the three-year action of tackling the root causes of work safety. We will carry out the work safety training activities of trade unions at county level throughout the province to promote learning through competition and work through learning. Seriously carry out the activity of soliciting papers on the theme of "checking hidden dangers to ensure safety", and enhance the enthusiasm of front-line workers to participate in production safety. We will make overall efforts to prevent heatstroke and cool down, and ensure the health and life safety of workers in summer.

In combination with the work deployment, trade unions at all levels should also earnestly guide workers to establish a strong safety concept, and organize thematic learning and centralized learning. Make full use of online and offline positions such as the "Sichuan Home of Industry" APP, the "two micro businesses and one network" of the labor union, the "Home of Workers" and the "labor union post station" to widely publicize the knowledge of safe production. Urge the enterprise to organize education and training on relevant laws and regulations, such as the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations of Sichuan Province on Work Safety, and job safety knowledge through special training, "lecture hall" on work safety, so as to promote the employees to firmly establish the concept of work safety and improve their awareness of safety responsibility.

(Sichuan Workers Daily reporter Luo Yuyu)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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