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The job fair is at home

Qinghai Federation of Trade Unions leads the way to promote employment

Source: Xining Evening News
2024-05-27 09:44

Original title: job fair at home (quotation)

Provincial Federation of Trade Unions to promote employment (theme)

Xining Evening News (Reporter Qingkong) On May 24, the provincial federation of trade unions working team in Ajiagou Village, Hualin Township, Datong County actively coordinated the management committee of Ganhe Industrial Park to organize 8 household enterprises, and with the strong support of the party committee and government of Hualin Township, held a special job fair activity of "matchmaking and job delivery to promote employment and precise service to help development" throughout the township, We will provide targeted employment services for the willing rural school-age population, give full play to the function of the village team to promote the strengthening of the village and enrich the people, help the joint point to help the village to improve the labor economy, strengthen employment assistance, continue to promote the export of labor services, effectively improve the villagers' "hematopoietic function", and help the village to stabilize jobs and increase income.

Ajiagou Village is located in a remote area, and there are few migrant workers. The work team of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions in Ajiagou Village actively tried to recruit and do practical things, and went to Ganhetan Industrial Park for coordination many times. In order to further expand the employment coverage, the party committee and government of Hualin Township held a special job fair throughout the township.

A total of 8 enterprises provided more than 200 jobs, including general workers, technicians, engineers, operators, electrolytic workers, crane drivers, and laboratory technicians. Nearly 380 people from the township participated in the job fair, and nearly 139 people reached employment intention agreements on the spot, providing various options for various groups, such as Ajiagou Village and surrounding villages, migrant workers returning home, etc. in Hualin Township to find jobs.

"The job fair has arrived at the door of our home, which will facilitate the re employment of rural unemployed college students and the masses who are not well educated and unfamiliar with the employment policy. I am glad to see a lot of jobs that are suitable for me today! I hope to carry out more such activities in the future and effectively increase support for rural unemployed people." said Zan Wenhua, an unemployed college student in Ajiagou.

In the next step, the village team will continue to give play to the advantages of trade union organizations, focus on industrial development and labor economy, carry out assistance work to stabilize employment and promote development, increase the publicity of employment policies and laws and regulations, strengthen the skills training of rural population, promote the implementation of various employment measures, enable the employment of the rural population, and drum up "pockets" of rural people, Build more and better platforms.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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