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Haikou held a ceremony for truck drivers to join the club

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-27 08:39

Original title: Haikou held a ceremony for truck drivers to join the club

Worker's Daily - reporter Lai Shuwen of China Industrial Network

On May 24, under the guidance of Haikou Federation of Trade Unions in Hainan Province and sponsored by Xiuying District Federation of Trade Unions, the 2024 Haikou truck drivers' centralized entrance ceremony of "Caring for 'New' Groups and Gathering 'New' Forces" and the Haikou Yichen motorcade truck drivers' special field were held in Haikou Yichen motorcade union.

Pian Weibin, Head of the Grass roots Work Department of Hainan Federation of Trade Unions, Liu Chuanhai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, attended the event, and Chen Weijian, Executive Vice Chairman of Xiuying District Federation of Trade Unions, attended the event and made a speech. The ceremony was also attended by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the leaders in charge of the establishment of the district (park) federation of trade unions, the chairmen of the town (street) federation of trade unions in Xiuying District, and more than 100 truck drivers.

Xiuying District Federation of Trade Unions will solidly carry out the action of "the trade union will accompany you along the road" to care for truck drivers, and provide professional, refined and socialized services for truck drivers through various activities such as building stations, spreading care, promoting health, helping negotiation, strengthening rights protection, upgrading skills, sending culture, and joining the public welfare.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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