Zhonggong Entertainment

Picture Story | Continuing the delicious legend of time-honored brands

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-27 07:40

Picture Story

Original title: continue to write the delicious legend of time-honored brands


The picture shows Wang Peixin (second from left) of Beijing Cuihualou Catering Group explaining the process of making signature dishes for chefs on May 22.

The post-70s Wang Peixin is a well-known master in the catering industry in Beijing. In 1991, Wang Peixin, who "wanted to learn a trade", left his hometown of Henan to wander in Beijing. Washing dishes in Sanlitun became his first job. It is this job that makes the inexperienced Wang Peixin become attached to catering.

At that time, Wang Peixin washed the dishes during the day and worked hard. At night, he thought about the recipe repeatedly. With his diligence, he was admired by Zhou Xuelong, a Cantonese cuisine master at that time, and began his "culinary life" by learning from his master. Since then, he has learned Sichuan, Shandong, Huaiyang cuisine and other cooking techniques. In 2018, Cuihua Building, which had been silent for many years, was reopened. Wang Peixin was amazed by the catering industry with a "Furong Chicken Slice". The annual sales of more than 30000 dishes made this dish famous in Beijing.

In 2024, Wang Peixin won the National May Day Labor Medal. In his opinion, to do a good job in a dish requires not only great skill, but also extreme ingenuity.

Worker's Daily - Photographed by Wang Weiwei, reporter of China Industrial Network

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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