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Participated in the preparation of the Workers' Congress on the Road Song Platform, and witnessed the truck driver representatives to perform their democratic rights——

Staying Diary | "I was infected by the atmosphere at the scene"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-27 07:37

[squatting diary]

Original title: Participate in the preparation of the Workers' Congress on the Road Song Platform, witness the truck driver representatives to perform their democratic rights - (quotation)

"I was infected by the atmosphere at the scene" (theme)

Bi Wenjing

Thursday, May 2 Sunny

In May, Hefei, Anhui, was full of flowers. During the "May Day" International Labor Day, Luge Platform held the first staff congress of Luge Platform (the whole network) with 70 truck driver representatives. As a member of the Luge team of the All China Federation of Trade Unions who participated in the whole process of preparation, I feel very honored to participate in this meeting to solve the practical problems of truck drivers.

The meeting was scheduled to start at 8:00 a.m., but the venue was busy at 7:00 a.m., the staff were making final details confirmation, the truck driver representatives took their seats early to get familiar with the meeting agenda, and all their faces were full of warm and proud smiles.

At the moment when the national anthem sounded, 70 truck drivers from all over the country were solemn and became the most dazzling group in the venue. I was instantly infected by the atmosphere at the scene.

On the platform, the relevant staff of the Luge platform read out the Implementation Measures for the Luge Platform Network wide Staff Congress (Enlarged) Meeting (Draft), the Luge Platform (Network wide) Collective Contract for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Truck Drivers (Draft) and the Letter of Commitment for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Truck Drivers. Off the stage, the participants listened carefully and drew the key points on the conference materials, showing the expression of relief and hope from time to time. In particular, the freight revenue, transportation guarantee, transportation safety, negotiation and coordination mechanism and other rights and interests protection clauses that truck drivers are most concerned about, everyone nodded frequently after listening to them and expressed their opinions truthfully and accurately on the ballot papers.

In the voting process, each representative seriously put his or her ballot into the ballot box. At the moment when the voting was passed, the whole audience burst into enthusiastic applause, which marked a key step forward for the workers' congress system and collective negotiation mechanism in the national online freight industry. Since then, truck drivers have had a channel to express their demands, and a stable negotiation channel has been established between platform enterprises and truck drivers.

After the meeting, I heard truck drivers' discussions on the meeting on many occasions. Many truck driver representatives who attended the Workers' Congress told the drivers who did not attend the conference about the significance of the conference, what the labor union was doing for truck drivers, and what the benefits of joining the labor union were, so that more truck drivers felt that the labor union was around. Here, I am very gratified to see that the work of the labor union to serve truck drivers has made new progress, and I feel that as a "mother" of workers, there is a long way to go, and we should continue to work hard.

(Author's unit: Finance Department of All China Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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